Monthly Archives: April 2016


Please don’t text while you drive. I was treated to two red lights as the woman in the car ahead of me was busy….my guess..texting. Strangely, the cop in the car behind me did nothing. I am a nice person, but there could be someone else who could come out of his car with a hammer and bust your headlights. If I was a jury member, I wouldn’t convict him.

What PC is doing to damage our youth.

The elephants of the Barnum and Baily Circus are retiring. Thanks PETA! NOT! I remember watching these animals do their (handler’s) things. They were loved (the animals…not the handlers). Kids learned to love these beasts. We cared about them. Now they will no longer be seen and appreciated in that way. Yes, elephants will still be used as draft animals in a number of countries. Cared for well. They will be slaughtered for their ivory by poachers in Africa. But, now, kids won’t get to know and love them at the circus. For the few trained elephants displayed, millions of kids will be denied knowing how wonderful these creatures can be. And understand how important it is to save them.

Continue reading What PC is doing to damage our youth.

Every So Often I Need To Cry

I would ask you to google “The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald.” Gordon Lightfoot’s song and video were powerful and drew some of my tears. My Dad spent a long time at sea in the Navy. He also found some dangerous times on the waters off the coast of Panama when working for Westinghouse and dealing with upgrades to the Panama Canal.  If you don’t know him, you should. This is a guy who travelled to Antarctica with Admiral Byrd.

Phone Calls


The next time someone calls you to ask you to do a survey, do it if you wish. Or, ask them how much money they make per hour and find out how much money you will earn for your time.


The next time you receive a “cold call–solicitation” asking if you are the person they are hoping to speak with, buy whatever you like, or, answer by saying, “Yes Dear. What may I do to make your life better without costing me any money?” You may have just done it.


Funny Stuff

I just got onto the internet: TOP NEWS: Biden in Iraq to help solve “Crisis”.

Now, that is funny!

It’s a little like “Spanky” from “The Our Gang”, or ” Little Rascals” comedies travelling to Berlin in 1939 to try to talk some sense into Adolf Hitler.

The character “Spanky” had a big ego with little effect. George McFarland who played the part , had a lot of fans. I am one. Maybe he should have been sent to Iraq? Nope, he’s too dead (1928-1993).

Strangely Lt. Gen. Sean McFarland is the U.S commander leading the assault against ISIS.

I can’t find a kinship between the two. I wonder if Sean is humorous… perhaps with friends and family, otherwise, probably not.


I grew up on Long Island, New York. I’ve always been a fan of weather. Never met a tornado there. Always wanted to see one. I got my wish  on several occasions. There have been a great number of recent tornadic events nationwide. During the most recent, I read there were something like 1800 storm chasers out following these cells. I think storm chasers can provide good info. 1800 of them are probably 1700 folks looking to get killed. TV promotes this S**t.

Tornadoes, even small ones, have big personalities. Unless you are a truly well worn meteorologist with a full understanding of these events and are equipped and geared to deal with them, don’t try it. Even the best have died. As for me: My hairdo got f****d up.

What Happened To Winston

A bust of Winston Churchill displayed in the Oval Office was sent back to England. Why? White House curator, William Allman, said it was on loan to Bush and was “already scheduled to go back”. A British newspaper said “Sir Winston Packing”. Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee and Charles Krauthammer criticized Obama for what appeared to be a slighting of Sir Winston and his value to the world, especially during and after WWII. Dan Pfeiffer (the President’s communication director at the time) went after Krauthammer for his comments, calling them “100% false”.  Pfeiffer later apologized. Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, has renewed the charge against the administration saying the Churchill bust was “banished” by the Oval Office. He cited Obama’s part Kenyan ancestry and the British Empire’s roll in Kenya as a reason for the bust’s removal.

Continue reading What Happened To Winston

Election 2016

Governor Terry McCauliffe  D. Virginia (a good friend of and contributor to the Clintons) just signed an executive order restoring voting rights to over 200,000 convicted felons presumably so they can vote for Hillary. If you think having Hillary or Bernie in the Oval Office would be of benefit to our nation, raise your hand…it’s the thing on the end of your arm…No, no, that’s your armpit. Try the other end.