Monthly Archives: April 2016

Pit Bulls vs. Politicians and the Media

Pit Bulls have a bad reputation. They are seen by many as dangerous dogs. They are outlawed in some areas. The word “pit bull” is an ambiguous term. It comprises many breeds and cross breeds. The American Pit Bull Terrier, the American Staffordshire Terrier, the Bull Terrier, etc. and any cross breeds…as well as others. The Am-Staff is of prime concern.  This is more than silly. And politicians are more than silly buying into this.

Pit bulls have 10,000 pounds of pressure in their jaws. No. Pit bulls jaws can lock onto something without letting go. No.

Dr. Brady Barr of National Geographic tested the bite strength of pit bulls as compared to other dogs. The average PSI (per square inch) bite strength of a domestic dog is 320 PSI.

He compared pit bulls with rottweilers and German shepherds. The pit bull came in third.

Pit bulls have a recent history of maulings. Why would this be?

Continue reading Pit Bulls vs. Politicians and the Media

Dr. Ben Carson Not for President, but…….

Citizens of The United States like our entertainment. Carson is not bawdy enough to sit in the oval office. We require someone with a loud, self promoting personality similar to Mohammed Ali, some years ago, as he playfully bantered with Howard Cosell.

Donald and Hillary fit the bill. Still, I think Dr. Ben could have a significant role to play.

I would like to see Carson in a high level position in the next administration, no matter who wins.  As Vice President called upon daily by The White House for his sage advice, or as Secretary of State.

As Vice President, given more clout,  he could insert a level of intellect into the Oval Office rarely, if ever, seen before. His knowledge of our nation’s history and the current relevance of our Constitution are sorely needed. He, as a rather understated man, could be a mollifying influence upon a President bent upon taking his/her words too far.

As Secretary of State, his ability to reason and show undeniable logic could return our standing among allies and adversaries alike.

You Shouldn’t Feel That Way!

I think most of us have been told that our feelings are wrong at some time or other. This is not possible. Feelings are involuntary. They are simple reactions.

Can unfortunate feelings be changed? Of course! The ways to accomplish this are to clear up any misunderstandings that might be causing them and/or repair the reasons for those feelings to exist in the first place.

Hello World

This is my first posting on my new blog.

Every child and disabled adult should receive whatever help they need. Simple.

However, there are others too used to unrequired aid.

“Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime”, unless…Enter, stage Left. The Liberal Welfare State.

“Why would a man bother learning to fish when those already doing so are forced to give him a share of their catch? Often with the man ending up with a bigger share than the fisherman.”. Just a thought regarding motivation.