Monthly Archives: May 2016


As of now, it appears the hope for a Sanders vs. Trump debate has been quashed. That is really too bad. It would have been wonderfully entertaining to watch two New York City boys engage in a battle of the witless.

Chris Matthews, of MSNBC, (yes, the guy who inadvertently verbally ogled Trump’s wife next to a live microphone), said he didn’t understand why Trump would entertain the idea of a debate with Sanders because Trump would certainly lose. He said the media would make sure of that.

Rachael Maddow, also of MSNBC, had a different take on the idea. She felt such a debate would be unwise because it would give Bernie more fuel to extend the Democratic primary process.

The Donald seems to have taken their advice. Apparently he watches too much MSNBC.


In a nation that claims to have a right to free speech, we sure seem to be ultra sensitive when it comes to the uses of certain words. String some letters together and you will offend someone.

The term “retarded” is now not PC. “Developmentally disabled” is the preferred term. I don’t understand the hubbub. “Retarded” simply means “slow”. What is incorrect, hateful or inappropriate about that? It seems quite benign to me. Continue reading MORE ABOUT WORDS


 The Constitution of The United States. Article III. Section 3.

“Treason against the United States shall consist only of levying War against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act.”

I submit that alerting an enemy of the United States as to plans for an attack, the scheduled time of attack (whether general or specific) and the time of our troops’ planned withdrawal ( whether general or specific) gives the enemy strategic and tactical AID and the COMFORT of time to plan its’ defense, preemptive offense, escape or simply wait until the coast is clear before resuming its offensive.

Does any of this sound familiar?

Iraqi Prime Minister, Haider al-Abadi announced today the beginning of an operation to retake Fallujah (overrun by ISIS in January 2014). He went on to specify the assault would include efforts by the Army, Police, Counter Terrorism Forces, Local Tribal Fighters and a coalition of mostly Shi’ite Muslim Militias.

Why he didn’t invite ISIS officials to the planning sessions is beyond me!

There is nothing like having the element of surprise on your side.

I’m drawn to wonder if the old saying, ” Loose lips sink ships. ” ever had any meaning? Continue reading AID AND COMFORT


Joanne Nosuchinsky was Miss New York U.S.A. 2013. She is an intelligent and pretty woman who can now be seen on Fox News Channel’s “Red Eye with Tom Shillue” among other shows. But what a name…Nosuchinsky! She reminds me of a girl who went to my high school. Donna Notachanceinhellman. She was pretty too, but a little aloof.

Restrooms vis-à-vis gender

There is a current debate and lawsuits regarding the use of restrooms. The issue boils down to where the LGBT community might relieve themselves. North Carolina has sued the Feds and they have countersued on this issue. Current North Carolina law requires people to use restrooms according to their birth gender. The Feds say that is discrimination. I have several questions on this issue…an issue I expected to arise decades ago.

Number one: Will women’s rooms now have urinals? Will men’s room be deprived of urinals? I can imagine a fellow successfully using a urinal while the person standing next to him might have a less than successful experience. Will signs stating “FLOOR SLIPPERY WHEN WET” be required under federal law? Should urinals be placed on the endangered list?

Continue reading Restrooms vis-à-vis gender


Swear words (expletives, particularly obscenities) are important to our and other societies. The problem is that they are currently tossed about with such abandon (notably by small children) that they have lost their punch. Any word or phrase I might have employed years ago for its shock value seems like verbal pap today.

The next time I accidentally smack my thumb while trying to drive a nail, I’ll have no idea what to yell. Anything traditional will feel quite unsatisfactory.

This is also one of a number of reasons why so much standup comedy, today, bores me. The last time I really laughed at those words was in George Carlin’s “7 Words You Can’t Say On TV” routine. He took a hilarious look at each word. It was the consummate use of obscenities by a standup comic. No one has come close since. That was a long time ago. If you don’t agree with me on this subject, feel free to go f**k  yourself.

Sorry. The ending was so obvious I couldn’t help it.

Don’t Worry. Be Happy.

I am a horrible insomniac. I’ve been ruled by this affliction since my late teens. Staying awake for two or three days at a time isn’t uncommon for me.

Now, I know a lot of people who suffer from this problem are very worried about what it is doing to their health. Personally, I don’t lose sleep over it.