Monthly Archives: May 2016

Just To Clarify

Today, President Obama, during an unscheduled press conference made reference to Donald Trump’s run for president when he said, “This is not entertainment. This is not a reality show………”

First Lady Michelle Obama appeared on the CBS show “NCIS” on May 3rd, which was filmed inside the White House. NCIS is not a reality show. It is fictional drama. The episode entitled “Homefront” was produced in conjunction with “Joining Forces” ( a support group for Service Members, Vets and their families, started by Mrs. Obama and Joe Biden’s wife, Jill, in 2011). The extras on set of the “Round Table” scene included actual military spouses. Please note: I find great value in “Joining Forces” and what help it might provide.

So, I guess reality is actually acceptable as long as it is tempered by enough entertaining fiction. Sounds familiar…seems to work for both presumptive nominees.


Another Driving Tip

There are several things you should not do while driving. Don’t drive drunk! Don’t text while driving. Don’t drive while sleeping. Don’t drive while being Justin Bieber. Don’t bowl while driving. I’m not sure about masturbation. Probably not a good idea (particularly dealing with a cop after being pulled over for some equipment violation like a broken tail light). If you are a passenger, you’re probably okay. Still, wait until the cop leaves.

Abortion…you decide

Unborn children are hominids. Check the cells and DNA. As such, ending their lives is homicide. There are reasons for justifiable homicide. Is the inconvenience of bearing a child justifiable homicide? Maybe it would screw up vacation plans or put a wrench in hopes for college? I am not unsympathetic to a potential mother’s health. I am also not unsympathetic to the unborn child’s health. The latter seems to be overlooked by many. If you bear a child and then kill him or her, you go to jail. While the child is still in your uterus and kill him or her, you get off Scott free. Yes, I understand that the life of the prospective mother is paramount. If she will likely die carrying a child to term, that is a game changer. If she is impregnated by rape, carrying the child is continuing a violent crime. Incest is trickier. The child has an above average of suffering health issues. But is death better? Sex without consequence or responsibility is the issue. You decide…and try to live with your decision. I have a personal interest in this issue. My girlfriend got pregnant some years ago. Both she and I wanted the child. Her parents forced her to have an abortion in 1971. Note: Two years prior to Rowe vs. Wade. I still suffer from a poor choice on my part. The hurt and guilty feelings last. He or she would be 46 years old now. Sorry, nothing funny with this post. Just a catharsis.


“Racism” will never go away as long as the word is attached to the bias. Let’s not give it a value as a word anymore. Yes, it is a word, but I think it would be better classified in a way Latin is. Latin is a dead language used mainly in biology. “Bigotry” is better understood and much more encompassing. There is a movement called “Black Lives Matter”. Of course black lives matter, but no more than any other human lives. There you go Donald Trump. How is that for un-PC. The fact that a group called “Black Lives Matter” only helps to perpetuate racism among all colors of people. Speaking of colors. I have met very few Black people, most are varying shades of brown. Most Caucasians are not white, but varying shades of pink (unless seriously sunburned). Let’s just forget about colors and shades…unless we are repainting our house. I don’t suggest international orange. See, I, too have a bias. Rev. Al Sharpton (who preached his first sermon at age 4 and was ordained at age 10) might disagree with these thoughts. So, too, members of the KKK. All  might well be reminded that Jesus was likely colorblind regarding race. See? I can piss off all kinds of bigots! Maybe I’ll paint my house orange to simply make the point.

I probably should apologize to Christians for referencing Jesus. Actually, I am an Agnostic, dyslexic, insomniac. I often stay up all night long trying to decide if there actually is a DOG.