Monthly Archives: July 2016


Wrapping up the DNC convention Hillary said, again, that once she’s elected, the rich will pay their FAIR share of taxes.

The top 1% of earners in the U.S. pay approximately 40% of all taxes.

What she meant to say is that she wants the rich to pay their UNFAIR share. But she was completely, conniving and clear when she said, “We’re gonna follow the money!”

Nobody can deny a flat tax would solve the problem by being ultimately fair. And the rich would love the discount.

But it won’t fix her wardrobe. Where the hell does she shop? “Chairman Mao For Less”?


Shall we raise the minimum wage to $15.00 an hour?

Let’s imagine how that would play out: Jack works at McDonald’s for $7.50 an hour. He sells burgers to customers for, say, $1.00 each. Jack gets a forced raise to $15.00 an hour. Jack wants a burger for himself. It now costs him $2.50.

Jack instead gets a pay-cut to $3.00 per hour. Now Jack can buy his burger for two measly quarters.

Profits are calculated as a percentage above costs. Companies will not sacrifice those percentages. When threatened, they raise them. And any cost reductions never, I mean NEVER, bring prices down to where they once were. The profit percentages simply rise. See how it works?

Raising the minimum wage sounds great, but it is all smoke and mirrors. And expensive all around.

Politicians love promoting “fixes” that can’t work. Any questions?


Some folks say, “The dollar isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on.” (Which is grammatically incorrect. Should be “upon which it is printed”. But that’s beside the point).

Anyhoo, the exact opposite is true. And that, dear folks, is the problem. A dollar is a dollar and paper is paper (essentially worthless). There was a good reason for gold and silver coins. Actual marketable value. Paper is only a promise…and we all know how well that works in a country full of politicians.

Gold and silver are consumable products and can be traded for other products of value. That’s why the process is called “Trade”. Trade is bartering. Tobacco was used as legal tender to barter in the past. It had value. You could smoke it. Try smoking a dollar bill.



I think there are two major reasons there are so many impoverished people in the United States….and one minor reason.

I’ll tackle the minor reason first (because it is the easiest to understand).

There are those people who, due to no fault of their own, are incapable of earning money. Whether it be for physical or mental difficulties, or both. These are the people deserving of a constant financial helping hand.

Now, to the major reasons for the high level of poverty in the U. S.

Reason #1 : Some people don’t know how to make money or how to spend it. It is that simple. They don’t know how the dollar works.  You can see this manifest itself in their frustrations. The solution to the problem is just as simple. Teach them. A little knowledge combined with encouragement goes a long, long way toward inspiring success. So do good work ethics.

A poor person who learns what an employer wants in an employee and is willing to provide that, need only add ambition to the mix and voila’! Entrepreneurs spring from poverty all the time. These are the cornerstones of immigrants’ success stories.

Reason #2 : Some people listen to or are the children of people who listened to politicians. These listeners are the folks who just don’t try. They believe the deck is stacked against them. I mean, why put out the effort to try to succeed when so many are telling you that you CAN’T do it on your own. They say you deserve to be the dependents of those who make money. After all, there is only so much success (money) available and if you don’t have it already, you missed the boat. And they believe this crap. Continue reading POVERTY IN THE U. S.


My boss told me I need a vacation. He said, “Get your ass out’ta here!”                                     I’ve taken my ass with me on vacation every year, and I’ve always picked up the tab. This year, we’re going “Dutch”.

I was thinking of visiting New York City again. Then I stopped. I feel much better now.

I was going to go on a month long vacation camping trip to Mt. Saint Helens in May of 1980, but went to New York City instead. We all make mistakes.

New York City is called “The Big Apple” because it was the acme of horse racing in the 1920s. The winning purse was referred to as the “apple”. New York offered the largest prizes, thus, “The Big Apple”. I think this to be outdated. Perhaps it should be renamed for its aromatic ambience, “The Big Durian” (also known as “The King of Fruits”).

I grew up in New York. It is a great place to be FROM. And I would be the last person to dissuade a potential visitor from going there. It’s exciting, a little like a shark bite . Until you’ve experienced it, you’ll never know what you’re missing.

This year my ass and I are going on a luxury cruise to exotic Haiti.


I’ll be as brief as I can.

Speeches are written by speechwriters. Hopefully, the words indicate the true beliefs of the candidates, whom, I assume, have read them before delivering the words publicly.

Mike Pence (candidate for V.P.) delivered a wonderful speech. I particularly enjoyed the humor when he said (paraphrasing), Donald Trump is an outspoken man with great charisma. I think he chose me as his running mate because I provide balance. Both funny and humble. His words were great…but it was a speech written by a speechwriter.

Donald Trump’s speechwriter did an outstanding job. The speech included pretty much everything Trump has been saying to date. It was delivered well and with passion. But, it was just a speech.

Obama delivered a great convention speech. He didn’t/couldn’t deliver the goods.

The one thing I didn’t hear (and that may be because I stepped away from the TV several times) was the brave and dangerous addition of, ” I will set, by my example, through my honesty and my honor and my trustworthiness , how a good elected official is supposed to behave. When I make mistakes (and I will), I will publicly admit them and be a big enough human being to change my mind when I am on the wrong course. My ego be damned. And if I fail in these regards, I will immediately resign ( “FIRE” myself ), without burdening the public with the costs of impeachment.”

That’s what I, in Trump’s position, would have personally added and something a speechwriter would have no business including in the text.  I think that is what has been missing in politics. Actual balls. Opportunity missed?

Promising to donate his salary and federal pension (should he be elected) to St. Jude’s Hospital would be a nice touch, as well as a tax write-off.


I have to laugh. Melania Trump delivered a speech this evening at the Republican National Convention. Part of the speech (perhaps one paragraph) appears to be nearly identical to a speech made by Michelle Obama eight years ago. Plagiarism. The liberal media is going wild.

I have no problem, at all, with the media reporting on the problem. The thing that makes me laugh is listening to these anti-Trump talking heads giving public advice to Trump on how to solve this problem and how to better run his campaign. They said he should publicly humiliate and fire the speechwriter, the speechwriter should “fall on the sword” and quit quickly (prior to Trump axing him/her), to protect the campaign. So much advice from people who don’t want Trump to win.

They go on to explain how poorly Trump’s campaign is organized. How he has no actual campaign manager and on and on. And more and more advice. Strange that Trump is neck in neck with Hillary in national polls when she outspends him so wildly and pretty much all he does is continuously put his foot in his mouth.

I can’t think of the last time I saw a prize fight coach from the opposite corner switching sides to give advice between rounds. It’s hilarious. Writers at Saturday Night Live couldn’t come up with anything better.



It has come to my attention that quite a few people are getting rich by developing different fashion and perfume lines. I might note the Kardashians in this regard. To get in on the action, I’ve come up with what I think will be the beginning of a fashion fad. Matching paisley swim flippers, pince-nez and fedora (with optional enema bottle). I call it the Chauncey.  I also have my new “Eau de Michael Moore” cologne in the works.                                                     Look out bank. Here I come!

NEW POLITICAL PARTY (Under Construction)

I think it would be fun to shake things up a bit by starting a new political party. Call it “The  Party of Logic And Honor” or “POLAN”.

It would recognize the wisdom of the U.S. Constitution and hold it dear.

It would not stray from rational thought into the realm of rationalizing.

It would require candidates to be vetted for their relevant qualifications, rather than their entertainment and controversy values.

Candidates would be required to comport themselves with decorum, not overs-peaking others, being drawn into personal arguments, yelling, being unkind during debates or on the stump. They will focus on educating the public to their proposed policies and agendas and refrain from pointing out the opposition’s failures and foibles. Those who don’t comply will be asked to join another party that allows misbehaviors.

It would rely solely on popular vote, rather than delegates and super delegates. The Vice Presidential candidate would be chosen by popular vote, rather than “picked” by the Presidential candidate.

All candidates would be chosen by primary results. No national convention required.

Let the other parties provide the entertainment while we provide the pertinent information.


Its platform would include, but not be limited to: Continue reading NEW POLITICAL PARTY (Under Construction)


It appears Donald Trump is not the only high profile personality with saliva soaked socks. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has joined the club. Her negative, public remarks about Trump, have proven, beyond all doubt, that she cannot be trusted to be able to deliver an impartial opinion in any future case involving “The Donald” or Hillary or their current or potential policies, in any way. She obviously knows the rules of law and justice, so one must assume she no longer wishes to hold her current job…unless she judges herself to be above the law. But she is not above the law. Ergo, she has no other option but to step down. But that’s okay. This is clearly long overdue. I hear New Zealand is nice this time of year