Monthly Archives: October 2016


Proposition 52 claims it will provide “Additional federal health care money AT NO COST TO TAXPAYERS”.    SOUNDS GREAT!!!!    Question: Whose dollars will be used?

Allow me to refer you to my 10/14/2016 post entitled “WHY HILLARY & DONALD ?”. This post explores the difference between rational thought versus rationalization.

The money to fund Prop 52 will be acquired by maintaining an existing statute imposing fees (taxes) on hospitals to fund Medi-Cal health care services for uninsured patients and children. A charming (and ultimately intelligent and necessary) way to redistribute wealth.

Hospitals are businesses. Businesses are comprised of individual people (taxpayers). When businesses are taxed, taxpayers are taxed. These include employees like nurses, doctors, orderlies, administrators and others paid via hospital profits. Simple.

To claim taxpayers don’t, again, ultimately foot the bill is not only rationalizing, it is an outright lie.

I think Howard Jarvis would be disappointed in the way his foundation is not promoting this worthy proposition solely on its merits, but by way of a ruse.

I won’t vote no, but personal honor leaves me refusing to vote at all on 52 simply because it is tainted and I don’t like being duped. Honesty matters.

DEBATE? (This is an expurgated version but it’s still long, so you might want to bring along something to read.)

Debates are comprised of four components:  1) An Issue (normally posed as a question).  2) One person arguing in favor.  3) Another person arguing against.  4) both people answering the  questions (with time for rebuttal).

I watched last night’s Presidential debate and offer the following digest and end by grading the debaters as a college professor would. Continue reading DEBATE? (This is an expurgated version but it’s still long, so you might want to bring along something to read.)


On October 15th some, as yet unknown, person or persons apparently firebombed the GOP headquarters in Orange County, North Carolina. A report offered by USA Today states that David Weinberger (indicated a Democrat in the article) started a GoFundMe page to raise funds to help repair the damage. His goal of $10,000.00 was exceeded. $13,117.00 was raised and the page has been closed; rerouting future contributions to North Carolina schools through Donors Choose. I’d like to think Republicans would have done the same had the situation been reversed.

Messages from some Democrat donors expressed the senselessness of violence, especially during political contests. I guess individuals won’t wait for their parties to make practical common sense part of a party platform.

It is odd to see a rose floating in a bipartisan cesspool.


Let me tell you one reason why I believe Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump (of all primary candidates) were voted for to vie against each other for the Presidency. First, there is a large segment of the population who will kill a mosquito on their foreheads by throwing a brick at it, but of the thinking voters, many can have there logic subverted.

To begin, let me mention that there is a difference between rational thought and rationalizing. Rationalizing is the style of “logic” often presented by politicians. It is relied upon by liberal progressives almost exclusively. Two example of rationalization follow.

#1) Fiscal Responsibility:

Three men walk into a barbershop for haircuts. The barber makes them a deal. He will cut all three men’s hair for a total price of $25.00. After the haircuts, each man hands the barber a $10.00 bill. How much money does the barber have in his hand? $10.00 X 3 = $30.00.

The barber gives them their change by giving each man a $1.00 bill and keeps $2.00 for himself as a tip. $1.00 X 3 = $3.00 + $2.00 = $5.00 total change allocated.

So, logically each man, having spent $10.00 and receiving a dollar back in change has spent $9.00. And remember, the barber kept $2.00.  So…$9.00 X 3 men = $27.00 plus $2.00 for the barber = $29.00. Where did the other dollar go?

ANSWER: If the barber were a politician, I guarantee that you will not find the missing dollar refunded to you at tax time. For those of you still scratching your heads, no dollar is missing. It was one of the $3.00 handed back as change. The $2.00 tip is part of the $27.00 spent.

Continue reading WHY HILLARY & THE DONALD?


I wouldn’t dare to pretend to be able to predict the outcome of the upcoming Presidential election save my belief that it will include the largest number of write-in votes in the nation’s history,  but I’d like to make one observation.

There is a well established belief since olden times that if you, as a ruler or ruling party, wish to keep the public happy, all you need to do is provide them with “Cake and Circus”( keep’em fed and entertained). If you do this, you will own them. Clearly, the primaries proved that people will readily vote for circus.

The myth that lemmings are so stupid they will follow each other over a cliff or into the ocean is just that. A myth. The voting public, on the other hand…….?


I’ve been negligent in keeping up with this blog by failing to post my impressions regarding new and important issues in a timely manner. That will change right now.

Over the years, I’ve accomplished many of the goals I had set out for myself. I became an ordained minister. I’ve done things in the field of herpetology. I was a player on the team that built fighter jets for the United States Navy. I made a living as a video journalist. I’ve been an entertainer and an entrepreneur. The one thing I’ve yet to accomplish is to become a poet laureate. So here goes:

I have entitled the following poem ” Deep Thoughts”.

I keep onions on my nipples,                                                                                                                                Call me Stu,                                                                                                                                                                I keep onions on my nipples,                                                                                                                      Quite a few,                                                                                                                                                                  I have onions on my nipples,                                                                                                                          And it often gives me pimples,                                                                                                                            I keep onions on my nipples,                                                                                                                         Why don’t you?

Yeah, the fighter jets tended to fall out of the sky.