First it was Victoria Beckham kissing her young daughter and now Hilary Duff is the one under fire for planting a lip smooch on her 4 year old son at Disneyland.
It seems some people find this display of mother/son love to be unacceptable. This is a little out of my realm of understanding. My Great Grandmother kissed me on the lips. So, too, both my Grandmas. My Mom did so until the day she died. This was/is true of all the mothers in my, my wife’s and my sister’s extended families, including in-laws. And here’s a shocker. They did/do it with other female family members, as well. Age of the recipient doesn’t play a part, either. Health does.
Perhaps there is a cultural stigma of which I am unaware. I won’t delve into the question of how many of those offended are pro-choice. It could simply be that this photo was an opening to show pointless, omnidirectional hate through social media. All too common and pedestrian today. I should think that those who found Hilary and son’s picture at Disneyland offensive comprise a portion of society unaware of mother/son relationships and should avoid procreating. These are folks who, I imagine, could not have a toothpick driven up their butts with a 16 lb. sledgehammer. There are plenty of relaxation techniques and classes that could make their lives more bearable.
I can only imagine how little affection these haters received as youngsters to leave them even the slightest bit offended by something so innocent and charming.
One final point. Why is this anyone’s but Hilary’s business? I find that people who have the most complaints about how others live their lives have the extra time because they’ve been unsuccessful managing their own lives and have given up. They simply look for somewhere else to point fingers of blame.