Monthly Archives: February 2017


Truth is distinguishable from fact. Truths are subjective whereas facts can be enjoyed by everyone.

There are many who believe God created Heaven and Earth. To them, that concept is a fact. It may be fact. It may not. It cannot be proven, so, for now, it can only be demonstrated as truth. Therein lies the concept of FAITH.

Whether it be a religious belief or something else, we humans must rely on faith to get along in our daily lives. We have faith the bridge we are crossing in our car will bear the burden. We have faith our spouse won’t stab us to death while we sleep. We have faith the surgeon will succeed in removing our child’s tonsils without killing the little bastard. We merely hope we won’t accidentally fart too loudly during moments of memorial silence. Yet, sometimes things don’t turn out the way we trust and we are disappointed and asked to leave the chapel. Facts don’t disappoint. They are constant.

While faith may not always be 100% dependable, think how awful life would be without it.

Take one thought from my faithless, agnostic mind; faith can make life much more livable. That is a fact.