Monthly Archives: August 2017


I watch cable news because I disagree with so much of the hilarious bilge offered by all of them.  I may be among a minority of viewers.

However, for the majority, I think cable news stations do their regular audiences a disservice by inviting and interviewing people who mostly share the same political views as the stations and the hosts. Very little is ever learned by trading ideas with someone who believes the same as you do. Don’t you agree?

If you do, then I’ve just succeeded in wasting your time all by myself and without the help of a panel of bloviating “experts”.


I caught another installment of “Full Frontal with Samantha Bee” last night. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this “comedy” TV show, Canadian/American  actress/political commentator, Samantha Bee, hosts a weekly Trump/GOP bashing fest. She is the Democrats’ answer to Rush Limbaugh.

Ms. Bee began her program with nine writers: Jo Miller, Miles Kahn, Pat Cassels, Ashley Black, Melinda Taub, Joe Grossman, Jason Reich, Mathan Erhardt and Samantha (herself). These folks had previously worked for “The Daily Show”, “The Late Show with David Letterman”, “College Humor”, The Onion” , etc.

Mr. Limbaugh employs an executive producer, an announcer, people to research subjects,  a broadcast engineer, call screeners and a transcriber. No writers.

I thought Rush had the easiest job in the world when he took Obama to task. I was wrong. Publicly noting the foibles of Hillary, during her bid for the Whitehouse, was much easier still.

Samantha’s job is to poke fun at “The Donald”. What could be easier than that?

The differences between these two entertainers and their products are that one of them has talent and can think on his feet. The other needs a writing staff. One is clever and verbally civil. The other relies on the ineffective shock of four letter words as she sarcastically whines and complains. One demands the audience to think. The other offers to think for the audience.

One offers controversy via a pompous,  partisan, political perspective. The other is art.

Artist, Andre Serrano, won the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Arts “Awards in the Visual Arts” competition, sponsored in part by the National Endowment for the Arts, for a photograph he took displaying a crucifix submerged in a plastic bottle of his urine. This is the level of cleverness and talent offered on “Full Frontal with Samantha Bee” (which has been nominated for an Emmy). Bottoms up!