Monthly Archives: September 2018

Repressed Legislation

In the midst of the #Me Too Movement Bill Cosby was sent to jail to serve 3-10 years for sexual offenses. Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation is stalled over allegations of sexual misdeeds 35 years ago without any evidence beyond the allegations. Jerry Brown has a new bill waiting on his desk.

Democratic assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher has authored a bill extending the statute of limitations for sex crimes allowing youthful sex abuse victims  to sue until the age of 40. It also makes provisions for those sex abuse victims who’ve suffered repressed memories of the events, allowing them to sue up until 5 years after the memories resurface. This could be a slippery slope.

Oftentimes repressed memories emerge during psychotherapy sessions and it is not unheard of that they derive from previous lives. Perhaps I’m callous, but it seems no matter how much PTSD suffering remains from an event like that; it would be something of a waste of time to demand justice from an alleged perpetrator whose whereabouts have been unknown for the last 700 years. I’m sure there are those who disagree.

This bill is on Jerry Brown’s desk and he has until Saturday 9/29/2018 to sign it…or fashion it into a paper airplane to carry his newly promised pollution/climate change satellite into space. Go get ’em, Moonbeam!


I just viewed a video of a woman who stopped Senator Jeff Flake as he moved through a Capital hallway toward the committee meeting to vote on Kavanaugh’s Appointment to the Supreme Court. The woman told Flake she’d been sexually assaulted in the past and didn’t report the crime at the time. This phenomenon is not uncommon for a variety of personal reasons.

She claimed Flake, who has announced he will vote in favor of Kavanaugh’s appointment, was ignoring what happened to her and other women by voting in favor.

For those of you who agree with her, you must be fair. If I were to claim you beat the hell out of me 35 years ago, but had no evidence other than my accusation, you must be willing to be punished. Agreeing with this woman, you must believe that it is right, fair and correct you be considered guilty and held responsible because some people beat the hell out of  other people.

This is the problem with the “pile-on-top”, mob mentality certain social movements create.

Kavanaugh vs. Ford

I just watched the Senate interview Dr. Ford. Her testimony was riveting and believable. Kavanaugh’s denials have been believable.

No concrete evidence has been offered, as yet, to support Ford’s allegations. This is a classic case of “he said/she said”.

What was not credible was the bloviating chicanery of the senators, who reached partisan conclusions during the interview and went on to laud Dr. Ford for her bravery in coming forward with allegations against Kavanaugh at the last minute and how her testimony is sure to educate the horrible, opposite sex; and, of course, presuming Kavanaugh to be guilty. The right side of the aisle wasn’t much more respectable.

One senator noted his displeasure with the proceedings saying the Republican’s use of a sex crime prosecutor to interview Ford was inappropriate because it isn’t a prosecutor’s job to try to impeach a victim’s credibility. This is a classic political rationalization. Clearly the Democrats believed Ford prior to the interview and the Republicans believed Kavanaugh. The Democrats took the position of prosecution. The Republicans used their questioner in Kavanaugh’s defense. It is not only an option, but the duty of the defense to try to impeach the credibility of the accuser; and the accuser is always the victim.

Politicians must confuse and complicate things. It’s in their job description. There is a simple answer to this fiasco. Separate these allegations from the confirmation process and either confirm or deny Kavanaugh to a judgeship on the Supreme Court according to what is actually known.  Let Trump order the FBI to fully investigate the allegations and if the Executive Branch decides there is evidence strong enough to prosecute Kavanaugh for perjury in his denial of the allegations,  he should be charged.

But be fair. An investigation of those who raised the allegations (and their attorneys) to determine whether this controversy is a prosecutable case of defamation (sadly, D.C. law doesn’t consider defamation to be much of a criminally prosecutable crime regarding public figures). In any event, alert the public to the findings.

Either way it goes should be acceptable because that would be an actual attempt at discerning the truth of the matter. Let’s face it, something is wrong here and needs to be addressed.

The unquestionable and fully demonstrated FACTS I witnessed today were a senate chamber disregarding parliamentary procedure and  senators demonstrating sophomoric, mob mentalities.

Quoting the Wicked Witch of the West, “What a world!”



Some years ago I got the opportunity to get behind the scenes of a liberal/progressive demonstration. It was to be a mobile mob moving through the streets of Sacramento, California.

I was required to write a haiku in order to gain entrance to the rented headquarters. There was a courtyard filled with people ready to march and men in black ski masks hyping the crowd’s emotions. The ISIS thugs seen in beheading videos, some years later, seemed all too familiar.

Inside the headquarters building, behind make-shift curtains, there was a group of very serious young people, who I assume were not local to the area, sitting before a bank of computers communicating with unknown others.

This was not simply organizing a demonstration; it was a juvenile war room.

Now to the point: The confirmation of Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, has been stalled by accusations of a woman who claims he attempted to sexually force himself on her, while he was drunk, when the two were in high school some 35 years ago. This revelation came via Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA). Feinstein held this information for some time before revealing it just prior to Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings. No actual evidence, other than the the accuser’s words has been offered. Supposed witnesses have denied knowledge of the incident.

The accuser, California professor Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, has refused several opportunities to be heard before the Senate to air her complaint and her attorney has stated that she must be allowed to feel comfortable before she will speak because otherwise it would be a situation of bullying. She, at this point, has control of the Senate chambers schedule. Something’s not quite right with that. And now, attorney Michael Avanetti (who says he wants to run for President and represents porn star, Stormy Daniels, in her claims of having an affair with Donald Trump) says he has another client who will also accuse Kavanaugh of misdeeds.  You can’t make up this insanity.

At first, Dr. Ford wished to remain anonymous. Now, Avanetti is keeping this new accuser’s identity hush-hush as the clock ticks. Does any of this remind you of what I said about ski masks?

Very little, if any, of this hoopla has anything to do with Kavanaugh’s confirmation. It is all designed as an attack on Trump.

The reasons behind the Sacramento demonstration may have been valid. Protesting the policies of Trump may be valid. The liberal/progressive means to those ends are completely dishonorable.

Michael Moore TV.

Leftist film maker, Michael Moore, will have a new show, “Live from the Apocalypse”, on Turner Network Television this fall. It will be interesting to see what level of success it achieves.

“Full Frontal, with Samantha Bee” is also left leaning and has been a success displaying a very surface level humor derived from insults supported by bleeped expletives and verbally captioned still photos taken out of context. It’s a little like candy, (not particularly clever but enjoyable, without the need for thought).

While Moore’s program promises to be considerably more thought provoking and talented, the question arises whether it will draw a large enough audience to be successful. Some audiences don’t fare well when being required to think. Moore won a Primetime Emmy for his show, “TV Nation”. Kevin Reilly, then an executive at NBC, worked on the show. That show didn’t last long.

I make no predictions as to Moore’s upcoming show or its ratings. I have no idea how well it will do. The same Kevin Reilly, now president of TNT and TBS, obviously has high expectations for this show’s potential success explaining he “was sold” on Moore’s idea “without even knowing what it was.”

I must note: There have been instances in the past when influential folks believed they knew the public’s likes and dislikes only to find out they weren’t exactly on the mark. In this case, horrible corporate America will answer the question with its promotional dollars.

When The Bubble Bursts.

In economics it’s known as a “bubble”. It’s when an economy grows past its healthy point and things become artificially and unsustainably valued. When that occurs, the bubble bursts and the economy crashes. There are plenty of examples of this happening throughout history.

The human population is experiencing a bubble. There are more of us on this planet than the planet can realistically sustain. This occurred due to the technological advances we all take for granted. In fact our lives literally depend upon technology. This makes us a specialized species.

What would happen if all the eucalyptus died off? The koalas would cease to exist. If bamboo disappeared, so, too, would the panda. They, like us, are specialized species. Countless other species continue to become extinct for the same reason.

We don’t need to wait millennia for a large comet or meteor to cull the herd. One well aimed solar flare will eliminate the majority of mankind by frying the electrical grid; and it won’t take long (just a few weeks) without electricity to wipe out many hundreds of millions of us. Such major phenomena have probably happened many, many times before, but until relatively recently, large solar flares  went unnoticed. We didn’t rely upon electricity for our very lives then. Now we do. This catastrophe may not happen during my lifetime or yours, but it will happen and it won’t be the simple, localized blackout caused by a glancing blow.

What can we do?



Specialization of species has no reverse gear. They are beyond the ability to adapt.

But take heart. Humans won’t become extinct due to this event. There will still be plenty of us left and before long we will be back to gadding about with our faces buried in our iphones, blaming somebody like Hillary or Donald for the disaster.


Because human beings are a silly and enigmatically foolish life form.