Monthly Archives: October 2018


As the midterm election approaches the media on the right of the aisle is touting what they believe will be a “Red Wave” gaining many more congressional seats. They also fear a “Blue Wave”, which is what the liberal media predicts (while fearing a “Red Wave”.

I don’t pretend to know what will happen, but wouldn’t it be funny if all the early voting going on at the moment and all the wild and heated bluster produce a mere ripple; that what’s going on at the moment is just the result a more engaged, energized, and in some cases, angry electorate? How will both sides of the media justify all their “expert’s” predictions?

If there is a “Wave”, one side of the media aisle is going to look pretty stupid. If there is no “Wave”, both sides will.

Opinion Polls.

Why does the media still believe Republicans respond to pollsters? Didn’t the 2016 election prove anything?

All sorts of organizations take opinion polls. Colleges, media organizations and others do this sort of thing. Some opinion polls are considered scientific with plus and minus factors of a few percent. Sometimes one thousand people are asked their opinions. That sounds like a lot of people, but when you think about ratios…do you really think you could gauge the general feeling of a crowd of sixty thousand people by asking one or two what they think?

The political Right generally understands the reason behind the “secret ballot” and isn’t easily enticed into giving away their secrets. The Left, on the other hand, is more prone to sharing their opinions and advice. There are far more public demonstrations and protests conducted by the Left than the Right when they find a beef with what’s going on. Republican voters save it for the voting booth. Independents may do the same. It’s hard to judge with them.

At least that’s what I’ve noticed over the years.

Learn Before You Blather.

Amy Shumer is the latest celebrity to hop onto the Kaepernick “anti-racism” bandwagon. She, like Kaepernick himself, might do well to experience what they are protesting against.

Having spent about 18 years out on the streets at night covering news stories, I have a suggestion. Perhaps taking a few “ride-alongs” with police officers would give their complaints more credibility in the public’s eyes, rather than appearing as insulated celebrity loudmouths . They could see for themselves how brutally police behave and how innocent so many of those upstanding citizens who end up in handcuffs really are. Differing locations of varying ethnicities and income levels should be selected. Care should be taken to observe officers other than the driver of the ride-along at different scenes to bring fairness to the adventure. The officer driving would be sure to behave, so he/she wouldn’t be a good one upon which to base an objective opinion. A week or two of reality should be enough. After some actual eyes-on experience, Amy’s and Colin’s words would carry solid weight, rather than the counterproductive miasma of ignorant blather.


In the meanwhile, Amy should feel free to boycott appearing in any Super Bowl ads. Kaepernick should do whatever Kaepernicks do. The nation will survive just fine.

HOLLYWOOD TYPES “Keira Knightley Met Reality And It Sucked.”

Actress Keira Knightly has criticized Prince William’s wife, the Duchess Kate  in an essay, “The Weaker Sex”, which Knightley wrote and which was published in a book, “Feminists Don’t Wear Pink (And Other Lies)”.

Keira seems quite angry with Kate over the fact that the latter appeared in public looking little the worse for wear after giving birth to her and Prince William’s three children. Somehow Knightley seems to believe this was an affront to women in general because the Duchess didn’t appear as though she’d been handcuffed and chained to the bumper of a London bus and dragged for a mile.

Women have differing experiences regarding the trauma of childbirth. At best it is an extremely painful and messy affair. Apparently Keira was completely unaware of the fact that the experience wouldn’t exactly  be a glittery, champagne sipping, opening night, pregnancy wrap party.

In her essay, Knightly wrote of her experience with obvious anger and indignation. “My vagina split. You came out with your eyes open. Arms up in the air. Screaming.” “They put you on me, covered in blood, vernix, your head misshapen from the birth canal. Pulsating, gasping, screaming.” “You latched on to my breast immediately, hungrily, I remember the pain. The mouth clenched tight around my nipple, light sucking on and sucking out. I remember the s***, the vomit, the blood, the stitches. I remember the battleground and life pulsating. Surviving. And I am the weaker sex? You are?”

I’m not sure why Keira Knightley doesn’t recognize the pressure put on royals to appear their best in public and appreciate whatever effort Kate might have had to put into appearing so well so soon after giving birth. I also don’t understand why Keira doesn’t see how Kate being able to do so showed her extraordinary strength, rather than she seeming subservient.

I wonder if Ms. Knightley suffers from post partum depression…or is it simple envy of a woman so much stronger than she? In any event, Keira Knightley would do well to forego having more children and focus on steeling herself for the future trauma of raising a teenager.

Keira’s husband, James Righton, owes Kate a note of apology and thanks for taking some of the heat. It seems Keira, herself, doesn’t feel any complicity.




I often hear liberals  complaining about wealthy people or businesses not paying their fair share of taxes. Often, loopholes in the tax codes are blamed. Those who complain seem to believe there is something unethical about anyone availing themselves of these loopholes in order to reduce their tax burden. The fact is, this is the financially smart and responsible thing to do.

Tax evasion is completely different and is a crime. This when someone knowingly falsifies data to avoid paying taxes which are legally owed. (You will note the word “avoid”

Tax avoidance is legal. Tax evasion is illegal.


An excerpt from Georgetown professor, Christine Fair regarding the Kavanaugh Supreme Court hearing (specifically directed toward Republican lawmakers), ” Look at thus (this) chorus of white men justifying a serial rapist’s arrogated entitlement. All of them deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps. Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine. Yes.”

Nifty!  We are treated to another anti-Constitution bonehead prematurely passing judgment sans any credible evidence.

Fair told Fox News the tweets were part of her “personal speech” on her “personal site”. Georgetown University has defended Fair citing her First Amendment rights and disavowed the university’s connection to those ideas. They went on to say she is expected to be unbiased while teaching students. I guess we must give her the benefit of the doubt that she’ll abide by those rules.

Citing my own First Amendment rights, I would note that I find no difference between Fair’s words and those of an ISIS video. Her message is that of a person who spent the first nine months of their existence gestating in their mother’s colon. Our military trains to remove people who promote such ideas from the planet. They do this with honor, (something alien to Fair).

I would be just as disgusted by a white (or any color) male suggesting Fair be slowly lowered, feet first, through a branch shredder and the pieces flushed into a septic field while her ovaries were volleyed back and forth at Wimbledon.

There are certain limits to freedom of speech, ie: You don’t yell “fire” in a crowded theater. Why, if this was such a personal expression of Fair’s First Amendment rights, limited to her personal site, have these incendiary words found their way into the public conversation?

I guess it’s okay to punish guy who is simply accused of sexual misconduct, without any evidence, but firing a woman whose calls for the basest terroristic violence is off the table.

I don’t wish that Fair suffer any physical harm from her anencephalic outburst, but I wouldn’t mind seeing her publically humiliated…and FIRED! After all, this time there is credible evidence. Against her.