Monthly Archives: January 2019

Vicious Cycle.

At the risk of being accused of stereotyping, I would observe liberal progressives to be a forward-looking lot. Of course, looking to the future is wise. The problem with liberal progressives lies in their inherent inability to look back and analyze the failed policies of the past; policies introduced by both sides of the political aisle.

Most of the failed policies of the past were introduced by liberal progressives due to their inherent inability to look back and analyze the failed policies of the past; policies introduced by both sides of the political aisle.

Journalism NOT

Iowa’s biggest newspaper, The Des Moines Register, has called upon congressman Steve King to resign over what he claims is a misinterpretation of his words. The newspaper has discredited itself in the process. 

In lieu of reporting the congressman’s words and the Congress’ reaction to those words, we, once again, see a news organization NOT REPORTING NEWS, but CREATING NEWS by pushing their partisan, hate filled, political agenda.

This is not what the founding fathers had in mind when they were considering the importance of freedom of the press. Journalism isn’t supposed to be the fake news of party politics. It is supposed to be objective reporting.

The Des Moines register still has value if it is cut into squares and hung in the outhouse. I write this not as a journalist, but as a logical, pragmatic adult and nonpartisan observer who has contempt for protesters posing as journalists.

Separate but Related.

Let us assume Steve King’s remarks were racist. Let’s assume he is a racist. Here are the facts: 1) King was duly elected by the voters of Iowa to represent them in Congress. 2) It is up to the voters to act to remove him from his post if that is their wish. 3) It is not within the purview of Congress to thwart a congressman from representing his/her state if they disagree with his/her opinions or find his/her opinions offensive. 4) Steve King’s freedom of speech is protected by the Constitution. 5) The rules of Congress deny members of Congress from disparaging other members of Congress while in session. 6) King hasn’t, to my knowledge,  broken that rule. 7) Any members of Congress who verbally berated King while in session have broken that rule.

I wonder…From the standpoint of the Constitution, do we have an unfriendly government in power?