Monthly Archives: June 2019


As another presidential campaign season begins, the liberals are back at it. They are attempting to lure as many people as possible onto their MAGIC CARPET, promising them they will pilot that rug to A LAND WHERE SUFFERING DOESN’T EXIST.

There are two basic things standing in their way to ultimate success and neither is Trump.

Can you guess what the two reasons are?


When Democrats threaten increased gun control, the sales of guns skyrocket. When Republicans threaten to strengthen border enforcement, illegal immigration skyrockets.

Question: Can this type of behavior be predicted?

Answer: No and yes. People who believe human nature can be changed or manipulated don’t understand human nature. These folks end up surprised by what those who do understand human nature find obvious and completely predictable.

Pretty Woman.

Actress, Julia Roberts, recently made a comment about being in the cast of the movie “Pretty Woman”. She said she “had no business being in a movie like that.” I think many people would agree with her; but we must remember that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

The Choice Is ours.

I just noticed a headline article on my homepage of MSN. It was all about how Obama “rocked” a leather jacket as he attended game 2 of the NBA finals. This is obviously important news otherwise it wouldn’t be a headline.

On a related subject: Are we really sure we’re ready to relinquish our personal responsibilities to a benevolent government so rabidly willing to take on the job? Do we have so little time to handle our own affairs because we are busy being guided by childish news editors into becoming absorbed by what former presidents wear to sporting events and to consider it worthy of important notice and commentary? If that is our decision, it will mean our lives and personal decisions will be ruled by a committee of power hungry strangers, almost all of whom couldn’t give a rat’s ass about what we actually think.

Weakness and How to Accomplish It

I recently watched a college commencement address given by Ronald Reagan in the early 90s. Reagan noted that adversarial nations/states didn’t fear any of the economic or charitable accomplishments of the U.S. and were only impressed with our military might. Reagan spoke a simple, historically proven fact. During Reagan’s life, the idea of exceeding the average was the ideal. This concept has been replaced by something else.

While it is true in a perfect world everyone would be equal, we are not. There are people who excel at certain things and are not as talented in other areas. That is diversity. The currently accepted concept of diversity is one in which different areas of endeavor are populated according to population ratios. In other words, if women comprise 51% of the nation’s population, 51% of congressional seats should be held by women. If blacks comprise 19% of the population, 19% of prison inmate populations should be black. There is a push to accomplish this. The push comes in the form of not holding people fully responsible for their misbehaviors. This push is not only unfair and poorly thought out, it is a direct road to weakness. I know this opinion  will sound both racist and sexist to many who’ve been indoctrinated into a skewed concept of fairness. It will not to  honorable people who have self respect and pride in their own efforts and merits.

If a robber enters a bank and robs it, is it wrong? If a robber accosts and robs an individual at an ATM machine, is it less wrong? Should that wrongness be quantified or can we agree both are very wrong?

If a college bases its admission policy solely on skin color, is it wrong? If a college bases its admissions policy on Affirmative Action directives  in denying more qualified students admission due to their skin color, is it less wrong? If a fire department bases its hiring policy upon sex, is it wrong? If a fire department bases its hiring policy partially on sex, is it less wrong? In an attempt to give advantage to some disadvantaged folks, basing policies upon sex and race are sexist and racist and are, therefore, biased. No amount of rationalizing circumvents that simple fact. The effects of the policies, if not intentional,  weaken our society.

Now, we must add a different concept to the mix. Will we be deciding to promote a diversity policy, by way of population ratio, how many drag queens are required to be employed as teachers in publically funded schools; or should we protest until a certain percentile of Boy Scout leaders nix practicing outdoor survival skills in favor of interior design? And how are the children to react if some teachers or scout leaders decide to behave and demand to be addressed as a different gender, if that’s what makes them feel fulfilled? The scouts should be sensitive to this, but the LGBTQ community has no requirement to show the same sensitivity in return.

In order to allow inclusion and to promote diversity, requirements for both physical and educational standards have been lowered. These policies are diametrically opposed to maintaining a strong and robust society and are, therefore, illogical in the minds of people whose goals are to assure safe, secure and competitive nation.

In our efforts to protect the feelings of youngsters, we adopted a “nobody is a loser” policy in which all participants in certain sports and other competitions receive trophies simply for having participated. What a shamefully low bar to set for youngsters to learn and appreciate the efforts and talents required for success in the real world. The aim is to keep kids’ feelings from getting hurt. It may work in the short run, but who is considering how do the actual achievers, who have put in extra effort, feel? The “nobody is a loser” policy does children a great disservice by denying them the opportunity to experience failure. This, while failure is the greatest teacher of direction toward success. The “No child left behind” policy, as it is currently practiced, is equally antithetical to a child’s future happiness.

Ronald Reagan would be disgusted in the way the national mores have changed. He would be sickened by the self-serving policies designed to entrap youngsters into believing that little is expected of them; that others will do for them that which they could and should be doing for themselves, and looking forward to growing into morons like the people who put these policies in place. These morons want neophyte 16 year olds to be able to vote to help perpetuate this farce. I think there are more people who think like Reagan than is openly known. When these people, who think like Reagan, don’t express their opinions more often than on election day, the morons are deceived into believing they hold the majority opinion. This is dangerous because it leads to a divided and weakened  society as we are experiencing today.