Monthly Archives: July 2019

Congress Needs Some Binkies.

From where I sit, it appears more and more members of the adult population of the United States are becoming fed up with being treated by the government as though they are children. They don’t believe they need guidance and approval from on high. They believe they are fully capable of successfully managing their own lives without input from any public group or elected individual.

This has a bunch of politicians so confused and upset that diapers may be required.


There appears to have been a mass shooting at the garlic festival in Gilroy, California. According to reports, multiple shots were fired at about 5:30 p.m. local time at the 40th annual festival. Initial reports indicate three fatalities and at least eleven people wounded. Aside from one city councilman stating 3 fatalities, officials have released no information other than to alert citizens to stay out of the area due to it being an active crime scene.

It is now 9:12 p.m. Nearly four hours have passed without any official updates and all the while FOX News, MSNBC and CNN have been creating a non-stop circus of this event. They’ve been unable to deliver any confirmed facts and instead have been interviewing anyone and everyone who is willing to cry on camera, posit their theories or expose how law enforcement will run their multi-agency investigations.  Now , at 9:29 p.m. public figures are beginning to forward their deepest sympathies and horror over this event. It’s all wonderful theater and another example of exactly what NOT to do under the circumstances.

In a world with an exploding population, it’s hard for the “average Joe” to get noticed. Some people are willing to be noticed in an unhealthy way.The way the media outlets advertise these types of events reinforces the idea that a few cheap bullets fired into a crowd can really get a mentally ill person some time in the spotlight. And the media will do everything in its power to force the public to stand up and take notice.

It doesn’t take a master’s degree in psychology to know this type of coverage spurs copycat tragedies, yet the media continue on their irresponsible paths of not only refusing to acknowledge their moral complicities in these horrendous crimes, but to pretend the complicities don’t exist. How do they sleep at night?

Yes, cover the story. No, don’t sensationalize it. Just deliver the facts as they become available; otherwise continue with your relentless attacks on Trump.

Rational Thought

Rational thought is a process through which we take an idea and thoughtfully proceed to its logical conclusion. We go from point “A” through point “Z”, without skipping any letters in between.

Rationalization is listing any number of facts and arriving at an illogical conclusion.

Are you walking on the moon right now? No. That is a fact. Are you in a deep water submersible scouting the Marianas Trench right now? No. That is a fact. Are you running through the streets of Pyongyang, North Korea screaming obscenities about Kim Jung Un at this moment? No. That is also a fact. If you are not on the moon, or scouting the Marianas Trench, or attempting to get yourself shot in Pyongyang right at this moment in time, you MUST BE SOMEWHERE ELSE. Conclusion: If you are somewhere else, you cannot, by definition, be where you are. This is also a fact, …and a completely illogical conclusion.

Rationalization is the process employed by many politicians and activists to advance agendas that make no earthly sense. Abortion advocates do this. Please follow how I believe rational thought addresses this issue.

A pregnancy occurs. This means a human (homo sapiens) egg is fertilized and what was once a cell begins to divide and then redivide. It grows. This growing thing is human as any DNA test will prove.

During the first 9 months of life, this human thing survives within the environment of its mother’s uterus. Then it is the expelled into the open air, where is breaths with its own lungs. The process continues through stages of development of physical growth and puberty, maturation, aging and finally expires naturally when the body’s organs fail.

At any time during this process from “A” through “Z”, the human thing’s life might cease. This can occur by way of natural causes such as accident or disease. Survival can also be terminated deliberately by way of homicide. The killing of a member of the species Homo Sapiens is called homicide.

There are two basic forms of homicide: Justifiable homicide (war, legal execution, legal suicide) and Unjustifiable homicide (murder, accident or illegal suicide). As we are discussing abortion, let’s remove suicide from this algorithm.

Homicides are logically justifiable when carried out during war because the purpose is to protect those who are considered innocent from being killed or ruled by a violent adversary. The same is true with capital punishment/ executions. In both cases, the purpose is to exterminate humans who are considered existentially offensive. These are people who have proven themselves to be dangerous and are subsequently deemed by a society to have committed horrible crimes against the people of that society.

Ending the lives of innocent humans is Unjustifiable homicide. When the death is caused intentionally and not by simple accident, we call it murder. The law gradates murder in degrees, however, all are criminal acts. Pro-abortion activists proffer the idea that abortion deviates from this concept in some way. How? By way of rationalization.

Now, assuming an embryo or fetus hasn’t purposely injured or endangered the woman who is carrying it in her womb, how can we determine its homicide (abortion) can be justifiable…there is a way. However, one must rationalize to get there.

If a woman is raped and that rape produces a pregnancy, wouldn’t the forced continuation of that pregnancy be forcing her to endure an ongoing crime? That argument makes some sense and is food for thought. What about the cases where carrying an unborn child to term threatens the woman’s own immediate survival? Again, an argument can be made. There are, however, women who believe the fact their pregnancy might screw up their college or vacation plans would make a homicide justifiable. They refuse to acknowledge the existence of another human as having any vested interest in the whole affair. I guess they rationalize the other human MUST BE SOMEWHERE ELSE.

My Humble Opinion.

I find “The Squad” of four females of color, freshmen members of Congress to be more entertaining than dangerous. They don’t represent the Democratic Party.

Folks like Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein still hold sway within the party.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz stands out as representing all that is dishonorable within the Democratic Party.

Sorry…I don’t have a joke here.

TRUE Kaiser Permanente HMO Story

I went to see my primary care physician last week to have an abscess on my rear end lanced. Instead, the doc gave me a big long harangue about my smoking. I told her I wasn’t there to discuss my tobacco use. It didn’t matter; she did a live commercial for Chantix. She asked me if I knew smoking causes cancer. I said, “Yes.” She asked me if I was depressed and trying to hurt myself. I said, “No.” The whole episode made me so irritated, as soon as I got my throbbing butt outside, I lit up a cigarette.

The infection burst open a few hours later.

Kaiser’s catchword is: “THRIVE”. I guess it’s the thought that counts.

Should Be Interesting.

I have a feeling the 2020 election will be the most revealing and provocative event this nation has witnessed since the 1860s.

Republicans and Democrats both claim to know exactly what the majority of Americans want and what the United States is supposed to mean to its citizens and the world. There are major differences in how the politicians from both sides of the aisle view the issues and there seems to be no wiggle room for negotiations since the divides are so wide.

Everyone knows what the left wants. They won’t shut up about it. The left doesn’t know what the right wants because while Republican politicians may speak up, normal, conservative citizens on the right stay quiet. This was demonstrated by how big a surprise Hillary’s 2016 loss was.

I’m drawing no conclusions nor making any forecasts regarding how the 2020 election might go; but I think it will have a resounding impact…and maybe not a peaceful one.


Liberal progressives don’t care what the public wants.  It is their mission to try to change what the public wants to what the liberal progressives want the public to want. In other words, “We love fried beef liver. We don’t care if you don’t like it. We’re going to make you love it, too.”

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez put it this way, “That public ‘whatever’ is called sentiment. And wielding the power to shift it is how we actually achieve meaningful change in this country.”

This quote derives from a disagreement with Nancy Pelosi over whether traditional TV ads, or social media are more effective in trying to bamboozle the public.

Once again we see liberal progressives in their never-ending quest to manipulate human nature. Whenever this has been tried (and it’s been tried constantly since the stone age), it has always ended in miserable failure.

Einstein’s definition of insanity: “doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.”


On July 4th, Ridgecrest, California experienced an earthquake which measured 6.1 on the Richter scale. This was followed by over 100 aftershocks. On July 5th, the same area of southern California experienced another, even stronger quake measuring 7.1 on the Richter scale. More strong aftershocks followed and will continue for some time. There were fires, damage to roadways and some injuries.

I try to stay away from prognostication. I don’t claim to be able to foretell the future; but if I were to try to do so, I would expect California governor, Gavin Newsom, to ban earthquakes altogether. I think the legislature would easily ratify Newsom’s declaration and quickly pass a bill creating a new law.

Californian’s will not be allowed to have an earthquake. Henceforth, it will be illegal to import earthquakes from any other state or nation without a special permit. These permits would be issued by lottery and limited to applicants who submit haikus written to berate and demonize the National Rifle Association. The haikus will be submitted to and be  judged by philosophy students attending U.C. Berkeley.

The  biased label “earthquake” will be deemed inappropriate and hateful language and will be stricken from public and official discourse. Use of the “E” word will no longer be tolerated and will be justifiable cause for termination from employment and subject to a $250,000.00 fine and/or 36 months in jail.  It shall be replaced by the more appropriate and politically correct term, “temblor”. The non-word “tremblor” may continue to be used by those in the news media because they don’t know any better.

In the event a temblor purposely enters California illegally, with full understanding of the law, it will be immediately entitled to issuance of a California driver’s license and full, free  healthcare benefits as well as protections from its feelings being hurt by the threat of deportation until it has completed its damage. At this point, it will be able to vote and run for public office.

I know there are some prejudiced folks out there who will consider this legislation to be absolutely ridiculous, but those haters mustn’t forget that California will be the first state in the nation to enact this law and will continue to lead the nation with this type of progressive policies . That is, after all, the most important thing.

Quoting Californian, Nancy Pelosi on similar legislation, “We have to pass the bill in order for you to find out what’s in it, away from the fog of controversy.”


I watched some video of the recent protests in Portland, Oregon in which the Rose City Antifa group clashed with the Proud Boys. A number of people were injured, including police officers and a journalist.

People who have legitimate points to be made must stand up to be counted. People with the slightest amount of integrity must do the same. As I watched a right leaning journalist, Andy Ngo, peacefully walking away from the left leaning Antifa people, hiding their identities behind kerchiefs, who had allegedly punched him and who were pelting him from behind with so called “milk shakes”, I saw no legitimacy nor integrity. What I saw were lowly cowards.

Left leaning groups supposedly espouse peace and fairness. Those qualities were absent in the video. Nobody attempted to come to Ngo’s defense nor tried to defuse the situation or mitigate the attack. Ngo simply waked along, absorbing the physical abuse. He didn’t even try to, nor could he defend himself.

The media is happy to offer the video for public consumption with the explanation of why Antifa is upset. They are happy to point out the fact that the Proud Boys is a group that has been labelled by left leaning groups as a hate group. They don’t view Antifa as a hate group.

As of this posting, I understand three people who were allegedly involved in the protest have been arrested. According to the report, it is unknown whether the people arrested belong to the Proud Boys group or the Antifa group. I have my own guess. It also didn’t indicate whether they had any involvement with the sniveling attack on Ngo.

Speaking from what I believe is the viewpoint of noble intentions and valor, I believe any point the Rose City Antifa group was trying to make is completely void and each person found guilty of participating in the attack upon Ngo should be sentenced in a court of law to a public caning. Is that unfair?