Monthly Archives: October 2019

Doomed To Fail.

I was just listening to a Sacramento, California radio station (AM 650). The duo, Armstrong and Getty, were discussing the reasons why Columbus Day is celebrated as a holiday in the U.S.. They wondered why and apparently disagreed with any notion that the study of explorers to the New World was at all important to young students, when teachers have so little time to teach so many more relevant subjects. I think this attitude is indicative of today’s distaste for learning history. Question: Is history relevant?

History holds within it the combined reasons why we are where we are today as a society. It includes all the successes and failed attempts societies have made as they’ve evolved. Therein lies the relevance of learning history.

As the saying goes, “Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it”. This is observed among politicians who, either being ignorant of, or refusing to accept previous attempts to find success with certain failed ideas, insist upon reintroducing such policies. This is the Liberal Progressive agenda. These folks seem to fail to understand their ideas are not new or know they are not new, but will somehow succeed simply because they are now being introduced by kind, intelligent people.

Is it any wonder why so many Liberal Progressive attempts end in results 180 degrees from their promised successes? The young know less history than older citizens. Which party targets youth for their votes? For which party do the young usually vote? Ergo, which party promotes a more ignorant and less successful agenda? Aw, come on…this isn’t a tough question, boys and girls. You don’t even need to know history to answer it correctly.


If a male and female both weight train for ten years and the male is able to bench press 500 pounds while the female is able to bench press 300 pounds after that time, should the male be disallowed to bench press weight above 300 pounds or should the scale used for the female be calibrated to read 500 pounds when the actual weight is 300 pounds?

Two employees work in a hospital. One is a surgeon who has studied for many more years than the other person who sweeps the floors. Is an hour of the surgeon’s time of equal value to the floor sweeper’s work for the same period of time?

If your answer to these questions is yes, vote for a democrat.