Monthly Archives: May 2020

That Solved That!

Joe Biden’s current presidential campaign has been compromised by the allegations of a woman who claims Biden sexually abused and humiliated her in the early 90s. I don’t know where the truth lies, but an investigation into the incident is demanded.

I think it is important to note that God gave men testicles, which are the root cause of any sexual behavior or misbehavior. Women should always remember that God gave them strategically located knees to thwart sexual misbehaviors. Employing such a technique denies the offender the ability to think, see or breath for the length of time necessary for the required berating and announcement of upcoming legal action.

It goes without saying (so I will) that immediately after the event, proper authorities must be notified and a phone call be placed to his significant other.

I ask you…if women adhered to these simple rules, how often would these offenses occur? How often would the woman suffer retribution? How often would alleged offenses need to be investigated years after the fact?

Could a woman abuse this technique? Yes. How likely would that be knowing the legal ramifications ?

Pallet Jacks vs. Video Gaming.

I’m a senior citizen, and as such, haven’t reached any substantial level in popular video games. I’m quite computer illiterate. It’s okay; I have younger people I may rely upon to help me navigate those things. The problem is, I own a business and have little time away from more reality based, hands on, money making endeavors. I must pay my bills.

A while back, I hired a young man (let’s call him Stanley) to work in my warehouse. The job was basic and didn’t require much training (or so I thought). The young man’s life, to the point of coming to work for me , had revolved around video gaming and had ambitions to become a “coder”.

I spent about 30 minutes attempting to instruct this fellow in the use of a pallet jack (a pallet jack is a manually propelled, wheeled device, which steers from the rear [like a shopping cart held backwards]; and is used to move about wooden pallets loaded with products.) My instructions in the use of this most basic machine were a complete waste of time. A quick ride in the jump seat of our box truck (an old FedEx truck) was enough reality to cause him sufficient anxiety to seek medical help. This day had been an extreme overdose of reality for someone so used to focusing on a screen. Upon his arrival the following morning, he abruptly quit. Does his dependence upon the screen present in the symptoms of ergophobia? It certainly appeared so.

“Stanley” isn’t alone in the world of misfits. I hired another coder (let’s call him Melvin). Melvin was instructed to sort items and place like items in appropriate locations. Not difficult. Having given him about twenty minutes, I returned to find him with his eyes glued to his phone and little sorting done. Melvin didn’t need to quit, if you know what I mean.

Coding seems to be the wave of the future. Schools have popped up everywhere to teach the subject. Creating apps and games can be very lucrative and is a necessity in today’s world. All you have to do is look at those luminaries who’ve become filthy rich in the field to know there’s money in it. The problem arises when a high ratio of young people focus their hopes and ambitions in this arena, while fields of tradespeople are left wanting.

Older folks, like myself, might think a resume’, primarily listing a history of coding or  video gaming, has little chance of helping to win employment, but that’s not true. Who do you think flies our military drones? It’s basically a video game with live ordnance. The products of coders are needed in countless industries. But what good are they when you need to replace your backyard fence? And what will that replacement cost when there are so few tradespeople competing for your money? What will the drone pilot do when his military service ends and he finds himself competing for employment wit a glut of other gamers? Maybe he’ll go to school to learn how to build a fence, (something he would have known how to do simply growing up in an earlier, more socially interactive generation).

How prevalent are the problems of ergophobia (or related issues) among those so divorced from social and physical interactions with the real world?



There is nothing admirable about being impoverished. There is, however, everything admirable about working as hard as one can. There is honor in hard work. There’s none in poverty. This is the main reason that most people who work hard aren’t impoverished. In fact, hard work is the shortest distance between poverty and success.

Liberal politicians get confused. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez , for example,  thinks poverty is admirable and likes to remind poor people that she’s one of them by wearing very inexpensive clothes. What type of example does that set for her constituents who would like to achieve the “American Dream” of wealth? Ocasio-Cortez earns enough at her congressional job to afford a nice wardrobe. Who does she think she’s fooling? If she wants to make a point, let her donate her salary and benefits to charity, and stay home making babies and playing video games.

10 Nuggets of Wisdom.

In 1916, the Rev. William John Henry Boetcker produced a booklet of ten “nuggets” of wisdom which, today, are the antithesis of current liberal progressive doctrine. Some, if not all of them, have, at times, been mistakenly attributed to Abraham Lincoln. Sorry Abe.

If you would like to get into a heated argument with a liberal progressive, uttering any of the following ten sentences should do the trick.

  1. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
  2. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
  3. You cannot help little men by tearing down big men.
  4. You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
  5. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
  6. You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money.
  7. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
  8. You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn.
  9. You cannot build character and courage by destroying men’s initiative and independence.
  10. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they can and should do for themselves.

Liberal progressives press for the redistribution of wealth. With the advent of COVID-19 and the subsequent “stimulus packages” of free money to the citizenry (and non-citizenry), even the Republicans have signed onto returning tax dollars yet to be collected to the tax paying masses in even measure. Naturally, these moneys will finally need to be collected as taxes. At that point, we will see if Winston Churchill’s adage holds true. ” We contend that for a nation to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.”


Addendum To Mouths.

In my previous post, I noted how Trump’s grasp on the ability to speak well is akin to the average person’s grasp on a freshly caught eel. I also noted how Biden’s grasp on due process is akin to the average person’s grasp on a freshly caught eel.

Biden proclaimed the killing of Ahmaud Arbery to be murder by the two white men seen in a video. “The video is clear.”, Biden said. “Ahmaud Arbery was killed in cold blood. My heart goes out to his family, who deserve justice and deserve it now. It is time for a swift, full, and transparent investigation into his murder.”

Trump has since weighed in: “I saw the tape and it’s very, very disturbing, the tape.” “I got to see it, it’s very disturbing.” “I will say that it looks like a really good young guy.” “It’s a very disturbing situation to me and my heart goes out to the parents and the family and the friends, but yet we have to take it, law enforcement is going to look at it.”

Regarding Georgia’s Gov. Brian Kemp, Trump said Kemp is “going to be looking at it very strongly and he’s going to do what’s right, but it’s a heartbreaking thing and very rough, rough stuff.” “Well, justice getting done is the thing that solves that problem.” “Again, it’s in the hands of the governor and I’m sure he’ll do the right thing.”

**** “You know, it could be something that we didn’t see on tape.” “There could be a lot of, if you saw things went off tape, and then back on tape, but it was troubling.”

“I mean, to anybody that watched it, certainly it was a disturbing or troubling video no question about that.” “But they have very good law enforcement in the state of Georgia and I’m sure they are going to come up with exactly what happened. It’s a sad thing. Very sad thing. I hate to see that.”

Holy crap!!! What must it be like to live in Trump’s head? All the babbling and disjointed wording…what’s up with that?

****Still, if I’m deciphering Trump’s words correctly, he understands due process (even if he can’t explain it) far better than Biden.

The Mouths That Roar.

+Donald Trump has a big mouth and he operates it poorly. The man’s ability to string together cogent thoughts or arguments is hampered by his reliance on words like “incredible”, “nobody’s ever seen anything like…”, which burst forth in short, mostly incomplete sentences. This is wonderful fodder for his opponents because his inability to say much of anything, and back it up with examples and facts, leaves his messages open to all kinds of interpretations. He should shut up more often.

Joe Biden is a different sort of animal. He is much clearer in his way of speaking. He tends to finish well constructed sentences so there is little misunderstanding when he says something particularly stupid.

A 36 second video which appears to show the fatal shooting of 25 year old Ahmaud Arbery on a road in Satilla Shores, Brunswick, Georgia, has come to light. Rather than go into the details of the video or anything else about the case, allow me to focus on Biden’s reaction.

“The video is clear”, Biden said. “Ahmaud Arbery was killed in cold blood. My heart goes out to his family, who deserve justice and deserve it now. It is time for a swift, full, and transparent investigation into his murder.”

Biden’s words are clear and concise. Young Mr. Arbery was a victim of “murder”. Biden apparently knows enough about what preceded the shooting to pass judgement. He knows the video is of the incident in question. He knows no exculpatory evidence exists. It is curious, though, that he’s calling for “a swift, full, and transparent investigation into his murder.” Isn’t that trying to be fair after the fact?

I watched the video and I, too, think Ahmaud Arbery was murdered, but I’m not running for President of the United States of America, so what I think or say really makes little difference (unless I’m called to serve on the jury…should one be called.)

Like Trump, Biden should shut up more often.

Please see the following post: “Addendum To Mouths”