I spent nearly 20 years in the news business. Let me show you how to develop a story the modern way the media does.

Did Hillary Clinton have lunch during her time as Secretary of State with Honey Kirboynkweevil?

Does Kirboykweevil have a tattoo of an unfinished  pyramid with an all knowing eye in the middle located surreptitiously in her armpit as unnamed sources allege ? The pyramid image, aside from being found on the dollar bill, is associated with the Masons and, thereby, the Knights Templar and the Illuminati.

Did Hillary’s lunch with Kirboynkweevil have anything to do with Barbara Frale’s September 2001 discovery of the “Chinon Parchment” hidden in the Vatican’s secret archives? The “Chinon Parchment”, sounding suspiciously like the “Clinton Parchment” was produced from 8/17-8/20/1308 and absolves the Knights Templar of all their misdeeds.

As I mentioned earlier, the pyramid is a powerful symbol. It is one which some claim has extraterrestrial origins. This can be viewed on the History Channel on the program, “Ancient Aliens”.

Has science discovered traces of the alien acne virus on Chic-Fil-A napkins? And if it has, does this, by association, implicate Hillary in the prom night zit conspiracy?

This reporter isn’t pointing fingers…yet.

All of the above is obviously a dumpster full of fanciful beaver guano, but some media folks will investigate which parts are fact and which are porpoise piss. And as they investigate, their companies will happily force-feed it to a public, many of whom don’t have the mental expertise of a hamster fart.

People will follow these investigations with zeal and discuss it amongst themselves until someone makes mention of how foolish the whole thing is. That is the point at which assault and arson take over. And the news media will be there to report on the mayhem.

The cycle will be complete.



74 people shot in Chicago over the weekend. Ten fatalities. Wow! Rahm Emmanuel is shocked and angry. The Chief of Police is shocked and angry. Guns are being blamed for the gang shootings. When the idea of the hot weather was proffered, Emmanuel said that the hot weather didn’t pull the triggers.

Allow me to mention: The guns didn’t pull the triggers either. Bad guys, who, if they were imprisoned, would increase the inordinate number of a certain demographic group, did.

Rahm Emmanuel can’t accept facts that don’t fit his agenda. He is not an idiot. He just thinks like one.

One final note. Authorities in Chicago are dismissing the role hot weather plays in public violence. Again, proven facts are being ignored.


Some years ago, there were two young men who wanted to score some marijuana. Both were young. One was 17 years of age; the other just over 20. The younger one brought a gun with the idea of stealing the weed from the dealer. The older one may have wanted to do the same, but wasn’t directly involved when the 17 year old shot and killed the dealer.

The 17 year old was prosecuted as a minor and would only be able to stay incarcerated until his 25th birthday. The older one was sentenced to 26 years in prison. That is the way justice works in California. Justice is blind.

Today, Everitt Aaron Jameson pleaded guilty to conspiring to attack citizens on pier 39 in San Francisco. He thought he was talking to other ISIS sympathizers when he attempted to hatch a plot to set off explosives on the popular tourist attraction and funnel people in a fashion where he could easily shoot them as they tried to escape. He was actually talking to FBI informants. Oops!  Today Mr. Jameson was sentenced to a mere 15 years in prison.

This proves that California justice is not only blind, but also anencephalic.


I’m not really an ornithologist, but I like birds. Some of them, like mynas and parrots can be taught to talk. That’s really cool!

I want to become licensed to be a wildlife rehabilitator. I would like to take injured birds and heal them so they can be returned to the wild.

I’d like to work with an injured owl and teach it to say, “What, where and when.”

Why, you ask?  Yeah…that, too.


I got a letter in the mail at work today. It was an order from the Department of Commerce requiring me to go online to complete a census of my business. The letter explained the reason for the census was to collect data to help strengthen our economy. The letter stated the census would take 52 minutes to complete. It didn’t explain the ridiculous scope of the registration process to begin the census (that took another 10 minutes, including 5 security questions and a 12 character password with 3 out of 4 specifics required , typed twice, to create my account).

Questions like: Why did you start your business? With answer options of: I wanted to be my own boss (very important to me), (somewhat important to me), (not important to me) were fun to answer. I also find watching “SpongeBob SquarePants” to be fun.

They wanted to know if I was inspired to start my business by a friend and if I was excited to own my own business.  I  guess the health of our national economy rides on analyzing such data. And to be fair, there were also the boring questions about business finances, employees, etc. ( answers already available from the I.R.S.) …but back to the original letter.

Unfortunately, the letter didn’t explain how taking away another 52 minutes of productivity this year would be any more beneficial than it was in previous years. They must know something I don’t…or maybe they know something they don’t.

I have a hunch the origin of this census had something to do with management at the Department of Commerce trying to find a way to keep office staff from congregating around the water cooler, or somebody lost a bet.

In any event, I lost money and we paid tax dollars gathering this critical data (which I was assured would remain strictly confidential..this is not surprising).


I think homosexuality has probably existed for as long as mankind has mingled with others of his species. This is likely true of heterosexuality, as well. There is evidence of interbreeding between current man and Neanderthals. On the fringes, there is evidence of homo sapiens attempting to breed with members of the animal kingdom and some attractive trees. But, allow me to digress.

Homosexuality has once again become a generally accepted form of human intercourse. This type of acceptance has occurred numerous times throughout history, only to be condemned thereafter. Not so with heterosexuality. Why is that?

When the subject arises for debate, I never hear any words regarding the historical reasons societies of the past chose to demonize homosexuality. Certainly, we see this attitude embedded in most religions. Many governments consider(ed) being gay a crime…in some cases punishable by death. Why? Was any punishment appropriate? Certainly a death sentence seems ridiculous. Is homosexuality really bad?

Is it dangerous to individuals? Is its acceptance  dangerous to societies? Is its acceptance a benchmark against which a society’s standing in its life cycle can be measured?

Wouldn’t looking into this before rendering judgment be the responsible thing to do?

Why I write this blog.

ennispolitics.com is the personal cathartic leach field I designed to absorb the mental vomit I need to purge from my brain when it feels like it is about to overflow. And, while it is personal, anyone is welcome to trudge through it…though, thankfully, few do.

I often express my thoughts and opinions to friends and family probably more than is welcome, but I don’t demand they agree with what I say or think. I just try to explain what makes sense to me.That is what is contained herein.

I don’t shout and protest. I’m not trying to change the world. I’m not qualified. Nor are most others.

I might comment on any subject in an effort to try to understand it myself, but I don’t care if you are gay or straight, black or white, old or young, stupid or sage, disabled or otherwise. Your lives are your lives. As long as we don’t hurt others, we are entitled to live our lives the way we please.

So, if you disagree with the words you find in my blog, feel free to leave a respectful comment, start a blog of your own or follow the lead of the great philosopher, Jimmy Durante, who observed, “Why can’t everybody leave everybody else the hell alone?”






That’s Rachel Maddow!

I was watching Rachel Maddow the other evening as she was waving the imaginary red flag about Trump nominating a conservative to the Supreme Court post recently vacated by Justice Kennedy.  Her fears were intense, but mitigated by her quirky “I know more than the rest of you unwashed masses” grin.

She zeroed in on two great threats. 1) The possibility of Rowe v. Wade being overturned. 2) The possibility of overturning the ban against executing minors.

Rachel’s fear is that the right afforded women by Rowe v. Wade to exterminate absolutely innocent unborn children, due to the inconvenience of their existence, could be abolished (Yikes!) ; and that teens not yet 18 years of age, guilty of gruesome murders, might be executed if the ban on this practice were to be overturned. (Good grief, no! They are too young!)

It’s sadly hilarious she doesn’t see the problem with her logic.

Ms. Maddow is a great communicator with the innate ability to make her points crystal stupid.

But…that’s Rachael Maddow!

Let me take a stab at clarity and logic. I’m pro-life. And that includes the teens. I also believe (controversially in some circles)  that all lives matter… even Rachel’s.


Four people familiar with the situation told this reporter Rod Rosenstein said he feels “used” by the Whitehouse. Other unnamed individuals state the four people familiar with the situation aren’t actually familiar with the situation.

Official(s), requesting anonymity due to the sensitive nature of the talks, say the Whitehouse is negotiating with Martians to repaint the Statue of Liberty in rainbow hues and may replace the Bible she holds with a billboard for Jimboy’s Tacos and the torch with a 27 foot tall dildo. Neither the Whitehouse nor the Martians have responded to our inquiries by the time of publication.

Anonymous sources tell this reporter Nancy Pelosi bakes cookies in her sleep. Friends of Pelosi have denied these reports are factual because, as one individual in a fez, belly-button ring and swim flippers put it, “Nancy doesn’t know how to do anything.”

Declining to identify themselves, several fishermen fell off pier 39 in San Francisco. Multiple anonymous witnesses stated the fishermen appeared drunk and poorly dressed at the time of the incident. One witness, named Peter Stovall described the incident in his own words, “You’re an idiot, aren’t you?. Go away!” No bodies have yet to be recovered.

Of all these accounts, I believe Peter is the most credible. That’s who.


The concept of sharing is something taught to children at an early age. It is a beneficial social interaction. One person has “something” another does not. The person who “has”, transfers ownership of a portion of that “something” to another person who” has not”; and now both “have” some of whatever “something” was shared.

When the “has” person gives to the “has not” person, the “has” person feels pleasure in the knowledge they have benefitted the “has not” person and the “has not” person feels appreciation that the “has’ person sacrificed on their behalf. This is a win-win situation.

The concept of entitlement completely changes the paradigm of the exercise.

When the donor is pressured into forced charity, the donor’s pleasure is extinguished and replaced by a feeling of being robbed. The recipient’s feeling of gratitude is thwarted unless the donor releases more than an equitable share of the property. Under this paradigm, simple 50/50 appears only fair and doesn’t rise to the point of sacrifice and cannot be praised.

Right or wrong, these are the emotions catholic to our species.

Further, recipients while not sated, tend to lose the ambition to put forth effort acquire on their own, because it isn’t necessary.

There is, in the air, the current push to pronounce certain properties and services innate human rights of individuals, even though much of what is discussed has only recently come into being through technology and the talents, ingenuity and efforts of others. Abortion, electronic communication, health care, housing and minimum wages are included in the argument. These are not innate rights. They are only societal entitlements, subject to revision. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness stand separately as  innate rights.

All things go off the rails when human nature ( a completely unchangeable force ) is ignored.