Someone very close to me is contemplating suicide. Everyone I know has a multitude of suggestions on how to save this person from himself, yet nothing works. The fellow feels worthless and is in such emotional pain that he no longer wants to live.

This nation has mental health issues at the forefront of discussion. It’s all theory. Nothing is being done to remedy situations like these. Police are unwilling to intervene in fear of being sued for violating civil rights and say they can only take action after the stench inside this man’s abode makes it evident he’s been dead for some time.

Common sense is hidden somewhere. This is the problem. The issue is clearly identifiable…and ignored. Generally because it is someone else’s problem. Until it ends up on the news.

Any suggestions?


Men in power shouldn’t use their position to sexually harass or abuse women. That is a given. Those who do should be punished. That, too, is a given.

With so many women making so many allegations right now, I am left to wonder whether all of those complaints are actually worthy of review. I think some of them may simply be pile-ons; as in football. After one person tackles another everyone else seems to come out of the woodwork to pointlessly leap on top.   Will men become so cautious with their “harmless”  joking and playfulness (which they once assumed was acceptable) that we end up with sexual segregation in the workplace and elsewhere? Is that the goal or just the unintended possible result?

Yes, bad guys should pay. Women need to decide if there is a difference between bad and just teasing. Is teasing bad, too? If it is, romance is dead. This could be a slippery slope, Ladies.


Mike Hughes is preparing to launch his home-made, 500 mph rocket (made from scrap metal) this Saturday. He expects to pilot the thing to an altitude of 1800 ft. over the Mojave desert with the hope of proving the world is flat. Considering everything else going on in the world today, Mike’s plan almost seems logical.



What do Kathy Griffin and Hillary Clinton have in common?

Both claim to be VICTIMS of their own irresponsible behaviors and are convinced it is thoroughly UNFAIR   other people don’t think the way they do. So, they are pissed off.

Isn’t that the definition of “Spoiled Brat”?

“I CAN DO ANYTHING I FEEL LIKE DOING, WITHOUT CONSEQUENCE!” This is the mantra of many celebrities and people in politics and business who believe they hold sway over others. Sound familiar? Ask Harvey Weinstein, et al. (I’d suggest you ask Richard Nixon…but he’s too dead.)

It is also the job description of run-of-the-mill Liberal Progressives.


With all the turmoil in the Middle East, I fear the innocence of mythological stories of genies, magic lamps and flying carpets will be slip into obscurity. And when such innocence is lost, it can never be retrieved intact. I think the only Arabian fantasies we can hope for in the future are doomed to involve poppy farmers, barrel bombs and flying rubble.

These age old religious and tribal conflicts continue to display humanity at its worst, and tend to piss off the tour guides.


I recently attended a “Winkie Periwinkle and His All Conch Orchestra” concert. Needless to say, I was enthralled. The vibrant, spine-tingling cacophony was an aural wonder to behold.

True, there was no real melody or rhythm. The sounds of scraping shell against shell, mixed with the slime produced suction sounds would normally be considered something of a turn-off to most listeners, but as rap music has gained such fandom, it is obvious tastes have changed.

I really think there should be a place for this genre of music somewhere. The Grand Ole Opry could use a little diversity.


I’m a little old to go trick-or-treating, but I did want to get out there in the neighborhood in costume. I wanted to dress up as the ghost of Nancy Pelosi’s sanity, but for the life of me, I couldn’t find a single person who could tell me what that might look like. Oh well. Boo ! anyway.


“I hope you brought enough for the entire class!”

When I was in grammar school, we weren’t allowed to chew gum in class. This made sense because if we were allowed to chew gum in class, the janitor would have had to scrape the sticky wads off the bottoms of desks and chairs and little girls would likely have had some stuck in their pig-tails. But let’s put that aside for a moment.

The concept of having to bring enough gum for everyone in class in order to be allowed to chew gum one’s self is the same type of logic that Trump’s supporters oppose.  In fact, it is the same rationale most Republicans oppose.

If a few students bought into that rule and decided to bring enough gum for everybody, what would the motivation be for any other students to bring their own gum?

When we were not in school and one of us had a pack of gum, he/she would normally offer a stick or two to a friend; but not because someone told him/her they had to.

People don’t need to be forced to be kind. Look at Bill Gates. Look at Warren Buffett. Look at anyone.

Like it or not, distaste for forced charity is one reason Trump was elected.


It is sad congresswoman, Frederica Wilson, decided to politicize the death of a soldier by accusing Donald Trump of disrespecting his family. Sad, but not surprising.

Trump would have had no reason to do such a thing, but, considering  Trump’s tactless style, it is plausible his words were poorly chosen. If that was true, it’s sad he wasn’t given the opportunity to apologize for the miscommunication and make clear his meaning rather than Wilson grabbing the opportunity to publicly smear him to benefit her party’s agenda.

All the nastiness didn’t have to happen. I think Trump meant well, but probably stuck his foot in his mouth once more. Again, not surprising. On the other hand, I think Wilson had malice as her prompt. While saying there is too much hatred, she displays hate. What I find curious is why any of the adult public finds value in this issue. I don’t know why they listen to either of them. Children, yes. Adults, no.

I think Wilson’s demographic finds her dressing like “Woody” from the enjoyable, computer animated movie franchise, “Toy Story”, to be attractive and brave in its own make-believe way. Yee Haw! But adults? Very strange.

As for why some grown-up folks don’t dismiss Trump’s angry blather for what it is…you’ve got me.