With Thanksgiving prayers of grace now a thing of the past and most of the left-overs consumed, a good amount of uneaten sweet potatoes remained. I began to wonder if I might be able to feed them to my dog, Godfrey. I named him that because I thought it would be fun yelling a shortened version of his name when I wanted him to do something. It is fun.

I know chocolate (particularly dark chocolate) is poisonous to dogs and I spent nearly $450,000.00  in vet bills and residential rehab when Godfrey became addicted to guacamole several years ago. So, I went online with the question, ” Can dogs eat sweet potatoes?”. The first site I explored had the answer, ” Sweet potatoes are packed with nutrients and are highly digestible. They are as good as any other crap you might throw in your dog’s face”. I love clarity.

So I yelled, “Hey God! Get over here. I’ve got something for you.”

When I reach the Pearly Gates and am asked if I’d broken any of the Ten Commandments, I’ll plead : “Guilty…with an explanation.” In the meantime, I’m going to go back online to find out how I can use my neighbor’s cat as an interactive, exterior Christmas tree ornament. I don’t think that’s one of the, “Thou shalt nots.”


Webster’s Definitions:

journal: 1) a daily record of happenings, as a diary 2) a record of the transactions of a legislature, club, etc. 3)  a daily newspaper: often used in newspaper titles 4) any newspaper or periodical, as one dealing with scientific or professional matters 5) Bookkeeping a) DAYBOOK b) book of original entry, used  in the double entry system, for recording all transactions, in the order in which they occur, with an indication of the special accounts to which they belong 6) ((orig. Scot)) Mech. the part of a rotary axle or shaft that turns in a bearing

journalism: 1) the work of gathering, writing, editing, and publishing or disseminating news, as through newspapers and magazines or by radio and television  2) journalistic writing 3) newspapers and magazines collectively           PERSONAL NOTE: Other wireless media should now be included.

journalist: 1) a person whose occupation is journalism; reporter, news editor. etc. 2) a person who keeps a journal or diary

Do you see any call for opinion in the above? Continue reading JOURNALISM IS DEAD.


Here is a short synopsis of a, as yet to be written, science fiction story.

It was a dark and stormy night when suddenly the moon exploded and everyone died. The End.

I don’t think I’ll write the story because there would be no purpose in it. The world is tense enough without being offered a hopelessly useless scenario in which the human race is wiped out.

Neal Stephenson’s 2015 sci-fi novel “Seveneves” is a story about what would happen if the moon suddenly exploded. I just saw a short video from Business Insider and Tech Insider exploring that possibility. Perhaps some rogue planet slams into the moon, causing it to explode into small pieces which collide with each other until the whole mess rains down upon the earth. This causes great fires worldwide and perhaps even evaporates the oceans. The event renders the planet uninhabitable for thousands of years. The only way to survive would be for humanity to escape the earth, only to be able to return some millennia later.

Producers, Kevin Reilly and Kevin Loria, with the help of Erik Asphaug (Arizona State University) and Daniel Freeman (University of California, Berkely) treat us to this video while neglecting to mention some important, albeit useless, points. Continue reading I MISS ISAAC ASIMOV.


The election is now over and we hear Democrats wondering where they went wrong. We should have focused on this issue harder. We should have paid more attention to those residing in the hinterland. Our message wasn’t clear enough. We need to tell people what they want to hear.

During the campaign, the Republicans were fretting about how their party must become more inclusive. We’ve got to drain the swamp. We’ve got to maintain our values. We’ve got to tell people what they want to hear.

All these things are only advertisements fashioned to win elections. They are not designed to help the nation. But they work time and time again because the American public is not the brightest lot. These campaigns are simple dishes cooked up for public consumption. And as any chef worth his salt will tell you, presentation is all important.

But, while bull flop can be made to resemble a scrumptious pie, that doesn’t change its essence.



Prior to the election, Donald Trump was asked if he would take the high road and simply accept the election results. He said he would have to wait and see because he claimed the system was rigged. He joked that he would readily accept the results if the results showed he had won. Gee, how accommodating. Well, the media went nuts accusing Trump of disrespecting our political process. So what happened? He won. True to his word, and without hesitation, he happily accepted the results. What a surprise.

Now what? Jill Stein, the Green Party nominee, has called for a recount. Marc Elias, the Clinton campaign’s general counsel has said Hillary’s campaign is on-board for the recount as long as Stein follows through. Isn’t this a bit like the leeway Trump was allowing himself when he made his statement? Why isn’t the media calling a foul here? Isn’t this the same lack of respect for our political process the media and others abhor? Isn’t this what is done when you mistakenly think the game was rigged? Relax. It is being promoted as an assurance of accuracy the voting public deserves. Hey, I’m all for accuracy. It certainly couldn’t be sour grapes. Continue reading YOU’VE GOT TO WONDER.


NBC News is reporting, “Gun Sales to Blacks and Minorities Quadruple After Trump Win”.

2.3 million FBI background checks for gun purchases have been recorded for the month of October. This is an all time record. Apparently some folks consider Trump’s win to be a win for racism and are worried they might be “hate crime” targets. I doubt we will see much of a rise in racism driven hate crimes, but one never knows.

Trump or no Trump, law abiding citizens have the right to defend themselves against crime, no matter what their race, gender or religion might be. This is the 2nd Amendment. I do find it interesting, though, that a traditionally Liberal segment of the population is embracing such a core  Conservative tenet. Perhaps, in some areas of thought, common ground is achievable.

Now, all we need to see is Trump hugging a giant redwood tree and we’ll begin to recognize the road to success.




So…..Mike Pence went to see the  stage-play, “Hamilton”.

So…..He was booed by some in the audience.

So…..At curtain-call, one of the actors read a prepared, respectful statement expressing some concerns the “diverse” cast had with the incoming administration.

So…..Pence tweeted that he listened to the concerns.

So…..The actor tweeted thanks to him for listening.


This was controversial and unresloved enough to require national 24/7 coverage for days?

Just think of the bonanza of wall-to-wall media coverage we will be treated to if Trump’s son, Baron, ever farts in public. Stay tuned. When we come back, “Wind Breaking News!”


I’ve heard people call elected Presidents and those who’ve run for the office morons or idiots. This has never been correct. These politicians were/are people of higher than average intellect. Morons and idiots do not possess the required level of stupidity to want the job.