Let me tell you one reason why I believe Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump (of all primary candidates) were voted for to vie against each other for the Presidency. First, there is a large segment of the population who will kill a mosquito on their foreheads by throwing a brick at it, but of the thinking voters, many can have there logic subverted.

To begin, let me mention that there is a difference between rational thought and rationalizing. Rationalizing is the style of “logic” often presented by politicians. It is relied upon by liberal progressives almost exclusively. Two example of rationalization follow.

#1) Fiscal Responsibility:

Three men walk into a barbershop for haircuts. The barber makes them a deal. He will cut all three men’s hair for a total price of $25.00. After the haircuts, each man hands the barber a $10.00 bill. How much money does the barber have in his hand? $10.00 X 3 = $30.00.

The barber gives them their change by giving each man a $1.00 bill and keeps $2.00 for himself as a tip. $1.00 X 3 = $3.00 + $2.00 = $5.00 total change allocated.

So, logically each man, having spent $10.00 and receiving a dollar back in change has spent $9.00. And remember, the barber kept $2.00.  So…$9.00 X 3 men = $27.00 plus $2.00 for the barber = $29.00. Where did the other dollar go?

ANSWER: If the barber were a politician, I guarantee that you will not find the missing dollar refunded to you at tax time. For those of you still scratching your heads, no dollar is missing. It was one of the $3.00 handed back as change. The $2.00 tip is part of the $27.00 spent.

#2) Escaping Responsibility …or (It Couldn’t Have Been Me Because I Wasn’t Even There):

As I write this post, I am not responsible for it because I am not here right now, and I’ll prove it.

I am not in Brazil. I am not in Viet Nam. I am not on the moon right now either. Therefore, I must be “somewhere else”. If it “is” true that I am “somewhere else”; how could I possibly be here? Of course this might depend upon what your definition of the word “is” is.

You’ve got to hand it to them, we are stupid. You will likely vote for one of these two clowns… or will you, as the circus finishes its final act, write in a more logical choice?

I’m betting on the clowns.




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