It was 12:00 noon today and I’d just finished showering (I sleep late). The last thing I donned while getting dressed was my footwear (I keep a selection beside my bed).

By 5:10 pm. I was home from running several errands and finally sat down. When I did, I noticed I was wearing two different style boots. On my left foot I wore a comfortable, brown, above ankle boot. On my right, I wore a black, above ankle, tactical, policeman’s style boot. I cocked my head to one side as a dog might do when wondering why the motorboat noise coming from under his owner’s chair is being blamed on him, and murmured, “What the hell?”. How did this oversight occur? Am I getting old, blind, fat or just lazy?

How did I not notice the fact that I was putting on non-matching boots in the first place? I don’t know. The lighting?

When I stand up straight, I can no longer see my feet. So that didn’t help. I blame Ben and Jerry’s.

Of all the people I met with during the day, not one embarrassed me by mentioning the issue. Rather kind of them, really.

When I did finally notice this myself, did I see fit to remedy the situation ? No.

So, to resolve my original question(s), I guess the answers are (in order of appearance): eh?, affirmative, uh huh and you betcha.

But at least my fly wasn’t open. Um..Oops! Correction….At least my fly isn’t open.



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