I will be referencing a Pittsburg Post-Gazette on-line article (October 27, 2016,  11:27 pm) as the source of some information below.

Obama recently announced more pardons for mostly non-violent drug offenders. (Mostly?) 872 convicts have had their sentences shortened , granting clemency to 688 this year alone. That figure surpasses the actions of the last eleven Presidents combined.

Obama apparently believes (as do very many others, myself included) the sentencing policies of “The War On Drugs” were harsh and many did not fit the crimes. It makes little sense to me to incarcerate a casual drug user alongside hardened violent criminals; thus, often creating serious criminals out of harmless folks who just like to get high.

The relaxation of marijuana laws and even legalizing recreational use of marijuana by a growing number of states (and 40 states with already-legalized medical provisions), indicates the public’s understanding of how dangerous casual pot smokers and patients prescribed marijuana by physicians actually aren’t. Still, The federal government, by way of the CSA (Controlled Substances Act) considers marijuana equal to cocaine and heroin. It is a Class 1 drug (highly addictive, with no medical value.) Wrong again Washington. Prison for these folks seems a bit ridiculous. (Frankly, if marijuana was distributed to the incarcerated, prison riots would be a thing of the past, most inmates would be satisfied doing their time eating Twinkies and watching cartoons.)

The facts are simple. Lots of folks want to get stoned. Lots of folks like the easy tax-free income they can earn dealing drugs. This is what constitutes the elicit drug trade. The questions: Who should go to jail? Wouldn’t it be better to regulate and tax the sale of marijuana?

I wonder what is meant by “mostly” non-violent drug offenders regarding Obama’s release policy. Who are the violent ones? What did they do? Why are they being released? I wonder what the demographics are and whether there is a racial aspect to these releases in helping to rectify what some say is an “inordinate” number of blacks as opposed to other races, in prison. Is there an “Affirmative Action” styled aspect to these releases? In other words, if a white man exceeds Obama’s criteria for release and a black man merely meets those criteria, will the black man be chosen first for release?

Obama has indicated the rate of releases is likely to rise toward the end of his tenure as President. Why? Is this to get as many people out of prison as possible before the cell doors potentially slam shut under a new administration? Does he have his legacy in mind? Is he trying to create a snowball effect to ensure further mass releases? Actually, the release of 872 prisoners may sound like a lot, but it really doesn’t come close to scratching the surface in a nation that holds the dubious distinction of caging more people than any other nation on the planet, by a long shot.

My final question: Obama is doing this on his own. What is the public’s opinion? I haven’t seen this most important side of the issue prioritized in the media. I would like to know.



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