Former Attorney General, Eric Holder, has written an article for the Washington Post, appearing on-line today.
Holder was Attorney General from 2009 until he resigned under pressure in 2015. In his article, Holder notes his disagreement with FBI Director James Comey’s decision to make public information on the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email scandal and noting that no criminal charges would be filed. That was in July of this year. Since then, new information has arisen. Holder wrote, ” That is why I am deeply concerned about FBI Director James B. Comey’s decision to write a vague letter to Congress about emails potentially connected to a matter of public and political interest.” This came at an inopportune time for Hillary with the Presidential election less than two weeks away. Holder further noted how Comey’s decisions ran contrary to the rules of secrecy Holder had instituted four years ago.
Holder wrote, “The Director said in July that he chose to take that extraordinary step in response to intense public interest. During my 12-year service in the Public Integrity Section and as attorney general, I worked on some of the most politically sensitive cases that our country saw. The additional public scrutiny such investigations provoke makes it even more important that we handle those cases consistently and responsibly. That is exactly why guidelines are put in place: so that Justice Department leaders, including FBI directors, will not substitute their own judgments and opinions for reasoned, fair, coherent and time-tested policy.” Holder also notes, “I served with Jim Comey and I know him well. This is a very difficult piece for me to write. He is a man of integrity and honor. I respect him. But good men make mistakes.
Isn’t this the same Eric Hinton Holder Jr. who was senior legal advisor to Barack Obama during Obama’s presidential campaign? Wasn’t he one of three committee members on Obama’s vice presidential selection committee?
Isn’t this the same Eric Holder who was the first Cabinet member in the history of the United States ever to be held in Criminal Contempt of Congress for failing to disclose 92% of the documents demanded by Congress regarding the FBI’s ill-conceived “Fast and Furious” gun running scheme in which Mexican drug cartels were sold numerous untraceable weapons? Is this the same investigation during which Holder ignored Congressional subpoenas and silenced Justice Department employees from discussing the case? Is this the same partisan who refused to take seriously the contempt charge because he didn’t respect the Republicans who voted for the charge (although 17 Democrats also voted in favor)? Is this the same attorney general who had the responsibility of bringing that contempt charge against himself to court, but failed to do so?
What is wrong with this picture?
Don’t ask Eric. He won’t tell you.
I wonder if Obama will sign a “blanket” executive pardon for Holder before he leaves office? I’ll save that for a future article in which I will discuss how, if Nixon had been a Democrat when Ford pardoned him, he would have gone on to host the very popular TV game show, “What’s My Crime?”