Princess Kate shows up at some event wearing an outfit able to be purchased in some store. The store sells out of that design before the end of the day. Some guy wearing a red sweater asks a politician a pointed question and the next thing you know, red sweaters begin popping up everywhere. The point is, people like to copy others. Sometimes they copy celebrities, sometimes fictional characters, and sometimes a guy in a red sweater and sometimes the kid sitting next to them in class..

I’m not sure why some folks sag their trousers below their ass cracks. Maybe they are confused between looking tough and looking stupid? Some folks wear their baseball caps backwards. I don’t know why they would want people to think they aren’t bright enough to figure out what the cap’s bill is for, unless they are imitating Michael Jackson’s “moon walking”. In that case it would make sense because the cap would be worn correctly for the direction of travel.

It seems like the movie industry can’t produce two movies in a row that don’t include a “gangsta” theme.  “Gangsta” rap music is all over the place.

When was the last time the media reported the shooting murder of an opera singer? How about a country singer, new wave singer, folk singer or rock star? When was the last time the media reported the shooting murder of a rap artist?

This past weekend 17 people were shot to death in Chicago. 42 were wounded. There have been 638 homicides in Chicago this year alone. That’s 217 more than last year at this time. In all, 3662 people have been shot dead or wounded in Chicago this year so far. Now that’s saying something for a city with some of the nation’s toughest restrictive gun laws. With those statistics, Afghanistan could be considered a safe zone.

Hooray for Hollywood!



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