Liberal progressive types tend to verbalize and demonstrate more than conservatives do. Conservatives tend to be a quieter, get-things-done bunch.

The media establishment favored Clinton from the start of the campaign. They vilified Trump while simply downplaying Clinton’s scandals. Trump was very un-PC in his approach. He was anti-establishment. He brought into the public light many of the uncomfortable issues that politicians had tried to avoid (but what many citizens were concerned about). To publically align with Trump would have (and did) invite scorn.

For the last eight years the establishment has been Obama’s administration. During this time, racial angst has risen dramatically, ISIS was established and allowed to blossom in numerous countries, police have fallen out of grace. Our nation and the world are much more dangerous places than before Obama took office. Many saw the writing on the wall and found no value in arguing about it.

For the last eight years  we have seen the establishment of a failed approach to health care with Nancy Pelosi demanding that all that was needed was to pass the law and we could read what was in the law later. Obama sidestepped Congress on numerous occasions via executive order with little or no concern regarding the will of the people or the Constitution. Clinton promised to follow the same path.

Liberal progressives take a preschool/kindergarten  approach to the world. Bernie Sander’s “free college”, anti-corporation, heavily tax the wealthy ideas were simply a teacher saying, “if you are chewing gum, you better have brought enough for the whole class”. Hillary didn’t originally go that far until she was forced to in order to push Sanders aside in hopes of gaining his supporters.

The Left continues to believe, as Obama’s policies have proven, that no one or one nation can do things on their own. Decisions can only be made with the help of others, and to get that help, we must offer kindness and money. The world must evolve into one big loving community. That has never worked in the history of this planet, but it sounds nice, so “shame on you” if you disagree.

Apparently a lot of people from both sides of the aisle don’t have time for that bulls**t. They are too busy with their responsibilities to whine and bitch. They just vote.

Politicians from both major parties always claim to know what the American voters want. This time Trump was right. Clinton and her party, along with many Republicans were wrong. In her concession speech, Hillary said, ” We have seen that our nation is more deeply divided than we thought.”

Final Thought: Considering these factors, is it really a big surprise the pollsters, (most of whom are part of the same media establishment that tried to sway the election through biased reporting), got it so very wrong? Shame on them.



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