Please allow me to refer to my last post entitled, “POLLSTERS VS. HUMAN NATURE”, in which I mention how some people like to protest while others prefer to get things done.

Trump’s “surprising” victory has left a fair number of people dissatisfied. The public protests have begun. My question: To what end? The election was held. The people voted. Hillary lost. This is now history. Why cry over spilt milk? There is no point in it. But actually there could be a point if the liberal progressive bitchers and whiners would only act a little like conservatives to “get things done”. I have some suggestions.

  1. Simply protesting Trump’s victory isn’t going to change anything. It does, however provide an opportunity for people to get out into the fresh air and enjoy some physical exercise. There are plenty of entertainers who are disappointed with the election results. They should join in and offer their talents (gratis) to turn these protests into charitable events. Pay a couple of bucks to socialize with others of like minds and listen to some high profile singers and hob-nob with a few celebrities. Then, donate the money to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital or some other worthy charity. That gets something done.
  2. None of the dissatisfaction vortex circling Trump has anything to do with any presidential actions he has taken. There have been none…yet. The whole hullabaloo regards the fears of what he might do. Am I right? So, what can be done about these, as yet theoretical, dangers? Why not take Trump up on the offer he gave in his victory speech? He said he would be calling on those who hadn’t supported him to offer their guidance. Why not give him that guidance? Why not get organized via social media and create a grass-roots committee to provide Trump’s administration with a concise message of what the public simply won’t tolerate?  Trump said he will be a president for ALL the people.  Force him to prove it. That gets something done.


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