
Swear words (expletives, particularly obscenities) are important to our and other societies. The problem is that they are currently tossed about with such abandon (notably by small children) that they have lost their punch. Any word or phrase I might have employed years ago for its shock value seems like verbal pap today.

The next time I accidentally smack my thumb while trying to drive a nail, I’ll have no idea what to yell. Anything traditional will feel quite unsatisfactory.

This is also one of a number of reasons why so much standup comedy, today, bores me. The last time I really laughed at those words was in George Carlin’s “7 Words You Can’t Say On TV” routine. He took a hilarious look at each word. It was the consummate use of obscenities by a standup comic. No one has come close since. That was a long time ago. If you don’t agree with me on this subject, feel free to go f**k  yourself.

Sorry. The ending was so obvious I couldn’t help it.

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