2 thoughts on “Old Adage Resolved

  1. Please reject that last reply of mine. I couldn’t edit it after publication. Here’s the corrected version:

    I love this old, rusty question on several levels that you managed to brilliantly address in two sentences:

    On the surface it’s an interesting question. A second later I realized that it’snot interesting, it’s pointless. A second later, in further consideration, I wonder if there is a legitimate answer to the question: ‘Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?’ — The sensible conclusion is, who cares?

    Then I began to wonder how much of my life I have wasted pondering this sort of thing?

    NOW I’m wondering why I’m thinking about all of this and taking the time to ponder and explain these thoughts?

    And again — who cares?

    You are an insidious master of mindless panic.

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