Restrooms vis-à-vis gender

There is a current debate and lawsuits regarding the use of restrooms. The issue boils down to where the LGBT community might relieve themselves. North Carolina has sued the Feds and they have countersued on this issue. Current North Carolina law requires people to use restrooms according to their birth gender. The Feds say that is discrimination. I have several questions on this issue…an issue I expected to arise decades ago.

Number one: Will women’s rooms now have urinals? Will men’s room be deprived of urinals? I can imagine a fellow successfully using a urinal while the person standing next to him might have a less than successful experience. Will signs stating “FLOOR SLIPPERY WHEN WET” be required under federal law? Should urinals be placed on the endangered list?

Number two: Will a male voyeur or sexual predator be able to simply apply some makeup, don a dress and wig to be allowed admittance to the ladies’ room with your 12 year old daughter without repercussion because he claims he felt feminine that day? Of course makeup, dresses and wigs indicating gender is ridiculous. Why shouldn’t he just walk in wearing his regular attire? Maybe biker style leathers. There are those who would point an accusatory finger at you if you raised an eyebrow.

Single occupant, gender neutral restrooms have existed for a very long time and completely solve the problem, but they come at a cost.

There is more to this issue than simple discrimination. It is FLUSH with problems.

And, face it, the Liberal Progressives will not be placated on the gender front until men are having abortions.

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