NBC News is reporting, “Gun Sales to Blacks and Minorities Quadruple After Trump Win”.

2.3 million FBI background checks for gun purchases have been recorded for the month of October. This is an all time record. Apparently some folks consider Trump’s win to be a win for racism and are worried they might be “hate crime” targets. I doubt we will see much of a rise in racism driven hate crimes, but one never knows.

Trump or no Trump, law abiding citizens have the right to defend themselves against crime, no matter what their race, gender or religion might be. This is the 2nd Amendment. I do find it interesting, though, that a traditionally Liberal segment of the population is embracing such a core  Conservative tenet. Perhaps, in some areas of thought, common ground is achievable.

Now, all we need to see is Trump hugging a giant redwood tree and we’ll begin to recognize the road to success.



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