Prior to the election, Donald Trump was asked if he would take the high road and simply accept the election results. He said he would have to wait and see because he claimed the system was rigged. He joked that he would readily accept the results if the results showed he had won. Gee, how accommodating. Well, the media went nuts accusing Trump of disrespecting our political process. So what happened? He won. True to his word, and without hesitation, he happily accepted the results. What a surprise.

Now what? Jill Stein, the Green Party nominee, has called for a recount. Marc Elias, the Clinton campaign’s general counsel has said Hillary’s campaign is on-board for the recount as long as Stein follows through. Isn’t this a bit like the leeway Trump was allowing himself when he made his statement? Why isn’t the media calling a foul here? Isn’t this the same lack of respect for our political process the media and others abhor? Isn’t this what is done when you mistakenly think the game was rigged? Relax. It is being promoted as an assurance of accuracy the voting public deserves. Hey, I’m all for accuracy. It certainly couldn’t be sour grapes.

So far, no noteworthy evidence of election abnormalities has been discovered by those paid to look for such things. So, why is there a recount? (We all know the answer.) But, did Ms. Stein and her campaign come up with this idea to refuel the anti-Trump angst all by themselves?. I know of no evidence otherwise.

A recount, no matter what abnormality could be found, wouldn’t place Stein any closer to the Oval Office. So, why? The whole thing makes no sense. Or does it? The Green Party and the Democrats have remarkably similar Liberal agendas…

If I were without scruples and was part of Hillary’s campaign, it might come to my mind to try to persuade Jill’s campaign to pull something like this in order to keep the heat off my candidate. I wouldn’t want Ms. Clinton to be accused of the same thing Trump warned he might do. Especially if I were grabbing at straws in vain hope of overturning the election. I’m only guessing that’s what I might try… if I had no honor at all.

I’m not accusing anyone of anything here. I just think you’ve got to wonder.



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