1. I am reminded how I once spent two years of phone calls and letters regarding higher education to my Congressman before I got a reply.

    The letter I finally received contained three typos, and whoever wrote it apparently had no idea what the Higher Education Act (HEA) was! And when I visited his office in Washington, DC, I got the impression that no one knew what was going on or how things worked. I was ecstatic, however, when I retrieved a 5 lb. House Journal that codified the 1992 amendments to the HEA that I was asking about! I found my treasure when a congressman vacated his office, bumping everything into a huge wheeled trash bin. Ironic — that I benefited more from a open trash bin than from Congressional staff!

  2. How is it that just anyone can write a weblog and get as popular as this? Its not like youve said something extremely impressive more like youve painted a fairly picture through an issue that you know nothing about! I dont want to sound mean, right here. But do you really think that you can get away with adding some pretty pictures and not definitely say anything?

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