The Constitution of The United States. Article III. Section 3.

“Treason against the United States shall consist only of levying War against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act.”

I submit that alerting an enemy of the United States as to plans for an attack, the scheduled time of attack (whether general or specific) and the time of our troops’ planned withdrawal ( whether general or specific) gives the enemy strategic and tactical AID and the COMFORT of time to plan its’ defense, preemptive offense, escape or simply wait until the coast is clear before resuming its offensive.

Does any of this sound familiar?

Iraqi Prime Minister, Haider al-Abadi announced today the beginning of an operation to retake Fallujah (overrun by ISIS in January 2014). He went on to specify the assault would include efforts by the Army, Police, Counter Terrorism Forces, Local Tribal Fighters and a coalition of mostly Shi’ite Muslim Militias.

Why he didn’t invite ISIS officials to the planning sessions is beyond me!

There is nothing like having the element of surprise on your side.

I’m drawn to wonder if the old saying, ” Loose lips sink ships. ” ever had any meaning?

To finish Article III. Section 3.

“The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.” ( In other words: Descendants shall not be punished for the Traitors actions.)

I do not claim to have the slightest clue as to how to prosecute a war, but it seems to me those on our side, who are doing so, know less about the basics than I do. Then again, when you’re only dealing with a JV team, what does it matter?

5 thoughts on “AID AND COMFORT

  1. you talk of treason least not us forget Hillary who decided she had to take home her illegal government information to put on her personal computer for all the hackers to see if that’s not treasonist I don’t know what is vote for Hillary is a vote for socialism

    1. A vote for Hillary is a vote for dynastic rule. She’s already served her two terms as President. Don’t ever be fooled into believing Bill had the reins. He’s not smart enough. After all, he doesn’t even know what the definition of the word “is” is.

  2. we then have president Obama who by the way was born in nicaraga not Hawaii. his treasonist ass gave weapons of war that fell into unfriendly hands and are now used against our own men. the middle east has been fighting before Christ was born. who are we to get involved in a war that takes more lives of our soldiers. did we not learn from Vietnam about invadeing countries we have no business in. we need our soldiers home for our own protection and salvation and to protect the constitution our freedoms and rights

    1. While the concept of lowering nursing home costs is an important issue, it has nothing to do with my post.

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