Michael Moore, (yes the same Michael Moore we all recognize as the fellow who does not consider his appearance as an afterthought, but probably not as any thought; the same literate fellow who many must think not only doesn’t know the definition of the word “comb” or the item’s possible uses, but may be unable to spell such alien words; the same cherubic blather spraying pseudo-pundit, who we cannot verify has ever seen the inside of a shower stall. In short, he is antithesis of the concept, “You can dress him up but you can’t take him anywhere.), has finally made some sense. Be still, my arrhythmic heart.

Moore is a film maker noted for his arrogant, self righteous, poorly thought out progressive opinions and cinematic productions. A very successful chap followed by hordes of stereotypical lemmings. In this one instance, I must swallow my pride and add my voice to his.

It is reported, “Lil Mikey”  added an essay to his Facebook page on Tuesday, in which he rails against Donald Trump’s decision to skip daily national security briefings. He explains how vital the daily briefings are and what will likely happen if Trump continues his foolishness. And, I’ll be danged, he’s hit the nail right on the nose.

I didn’t think I’d ever see the day when I would see Moore come out with a position or opinion that wasn’t missing half the facts in order to spin an issue to favor his far left leaning, liberal progressive agenda. I stand in head shaking amazement. His essay is clearly written and is nothing if not an exercise in well considered common sense.  Good work, sir. Now go check yourself for lice.

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