Putin (Russia), Assad (Syria) and Iran can now claim success in achieving a cease fire in Syria. The three have produced at least a temporary win/win/win in the Middle East which will allow them to potentially claim a strong hold on distribution of oil. At the same time, Obama has shut down the possibility of drilling for oil in some tracts along the east coast, declared a large portion of Utah a national monument (disallowing energy exploration and drilling there). He is being sued by Utah over this. His fight against the pipeline is ongoing. All this seems to be completely contrary to common sense.

I recently read that Obama now holds a 51% approval rating just weeks before his departure from the oval office. He, by some counts, is claimed to be the most admired man in America. Folks I talk to don ‘t see things that way.

I guess I must admit to being a bit confused.  Unless, of course, the media reports regarding Obama’s public esteem are based on polling practices similar to those used prior to the election. Then it would make sense.


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