President Barack Obama “surprised” an emotional and teary eyed Joe Biden with the Presidential Medal of Freedom during a ceremony yesterday.

Why? For doing his job?

(I will give Obama credit for not exposing children watching the ceremony to the words “This is a big f**king deal!” as Biden did when Obamacare was forced through Congress.)

Maybe Obama thought Biden (a government official) should be awarded our nation’s highest “civilian” award for similar (yet confusing) reasons Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, and Al Gore was awarded the same Nobel prize for producing a film. I’m still at a loss to the reasoning. Maybe when Gerald Ford was president he should have been awarded a Nobel Prize for every day he didn’t fall down or hit somebody in the head with a golf ball.

I do understand why people like Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin were awarded. Both  put themselves way out on a limb, jeopardizing themselves politically and personally and, in Sadat’s case, ultimately being assassinated, in order to promote peace and save a multitude of lives. To put these other guys on the same level as Sadat and Begin is a joke.

Apparently these awards no longer rise above cheap politics.

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