There are people who are astounded by the obvious. For example:

I just read a story about a forest service cop, in Montana, who accidentally slammed his bicycle into grizzly bear as he rounded a blind curve in the woods. The biker was traveling at full speed (20-25 mph) when the unfortunate encounter occurred.  The bear attacked and killed the cyclist.

The article took the time to explain that the evidence suggests the bear’s attack was not predatory in nature.

Gee. How did they come to that conclusion?

The biker’s friend, who came upon the incident as it was occurring, didn’t know what to do. He apparently felt ill-at-ease attempting to thwart the bear’s attack, instead carrying his own bike a mile through the woods to the nearest road to get help.

Just a thought:

Compare that fellow to the South Carolina fisherman who recently dove into the water to rescue two women he’d never met  from their submerging vehicle, claiming that he intended to save them or die trying.

It’s wrong to judge another when you weren’t in their shoes, but I still know which one’s hand I’d prefer to shake.


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