Racism seems to be the reason some aspiring teachers aren’t making the grade. Once again… idiots to the rescue!

In an Associated Press article, written by Karen Matthews,  the state Board of Regents in New York is considering no longer requiring prospective teachers to take and pass the so-called Academic Literacy Skills Test because minorities are not scoring as well as whites on the exam. Therefore, it must be a racist test. Right?

In 2015, a federal judge struck down the Liberal Arts and Science Test used to vet wannabe teachers in New York City for the same reason.

Follow their logic. If fewer minority (mostly Black and Hispanic) teacher candidates do well on these tests than do Whites, there will be a resultant preponderance of whites being hired to teach. Schools in New York City would not employ minorities in teaching positions in the same racial ratio as the student populations.

Question: Is this actually true? Answer: Of course! Do the math. Oh, sorry. That’s racist.

Question: Is the testing racist? Answer: Yes. Everything is racist.

Question: Should this problematic fact be addressed by scrapping the idea that teachers prove they actually know something before getting up in front of a class full of students? Answer:  Why not?

But don’t ask future children of any race to read these thoughts because they won’t be able. They will have been “educated” by today’s NYC students.

Here’s a thought out of left field: Why not teach minorities how to pass the tests? I know. That would require educated teachers and that would be racist.


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  2. oooooooooooooooo now you’ve made an enemy of the liberal Mayor Diblasio. We need 2 flush him too……was laughing so hard, i needed 2 pull my pants back up. Plumbers Crack was showing…….lmao

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