I just watched as Rachael Maddow (MSNBC) gloriously gushed about a block-buster scoop BuzzFeed broke regarding Carter Page having been unwittingly recruited by Russian spies. (He wasn’t. He spoke of the energy business and provided publicly available research documents and samples from a lecture he’d given at New York University to somebody he thought was in the industry). Dear God! Whatever will we do now? Please read on….

The last time Rachael had a great scoop was when a part of Trump’s 2005 1040 Federal tax return was illegally stolen and made public. She was just too excited! (It’s tempting to tack into the wind of sexual innuendo, but it seems unadvisable. Anyway, all things considered, I wouldn’t know how.) After Hillary Clinton announced that Trump doesn’t pay taxes, the return showed that he’d made $150 million in 2005 and paid $38 million in taxes. That’s 25%, ( a low rate, but not $0.00). So, Trump takes advantage of loopholes. Who, in his position wouldn’t? A non-news story.

This meteoric revelation of Russian spy intrigue revolves around Page, who admits he unwittingly spoke to a Russian agent (Victor Podobnyy) he’d met at an energy symposium in January 2013. BuzzFeed acknowledges this was  three years before the Trump presidential campaign and that Page would not have had any sensitive documents to share. Page has been very open about the experience and was forthcoming to BuzzFeed  about it being he who was listed as an unnamed, uncharged party (Male-1) to a case of three men charged with espionage. Page was never charged with anything.  BuzzFeed also notes that recruiting apparently less than useful individuals is a common practice employed by Russian agents hoping to build the trust of other, more important people over time.

Dear Rachael, in her sage wisdom, explained exactly how this spy ring was uncovered. I doubt if Ms. Maddow was leaking any information as yet unavailable to the public, but it seems a pretty bone-headed idea to give away such techniques. I wouldn’t imply Rachael is a bone-head, but to repeat it seems not too bright on a national security level. But, why should Rachael be concerned with such trivialities as national security when she has the chance to undermine a Republican?

Maddow reminds us that Page was a foreign policy advisor to the Trump campaign. Clearly she implies that Carter Page did/would bring Russian influence into the current administration (an administration she’s been implying is chock full of traitors and/or fools). Does this add up?

I’m not defending Trump or his administration. I’m only a spectator; but is this simply Rachael  Maddow  gleefully clapping her hands and shaking her condescending head about non-news again? You decide.

Postscript: Please don’t misunderstand this post. It would be easy to easy to assume I consider Rachael Maddow to be less than very intelligent. I don’t. While she doesn’t see the truth in the same way I see it, blindness does not an idiot make.


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