Let’s keep this simple. Not a lot of specifics.

Reportedly, Trump ordered a 59 cruise missile attack on an airfield in Syria believed to have been the same airfield which, itself, had launched a suspected sarin nerve gas bombing attack on anti-Assad rebel forces and civilians (also in Syria), killing upwards of 100 people. That was, in fact NEWS.

Chemical weapons are banned and Syria was supposed to have destroyed its stockpile according to the “red line” Obama set and then didn’t enforce. So, Trump did and the media loved it.

Enter Brian Williams.

Yes, the same Brian Williams, who, in early 2015, was forced to apologize for lying to his audience about having been on a helicopter hit by an RPG earlier in Iraq. He was actually on another helicopter. (People often lie when they feel inadequate.) In this current case, Williams called images of the missiles launched by U.S. warships in the Mediterranean “beautiful”. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It is subjective. News is objective. Bri-guy included music by Leonard Cohen to enhance his report. This was a deadly, serious story taken into the fanciful, imaginary realms of an incompetent, misfit, pseudo-journalist’s fairytale agenda. In other words,  MSNBC’s modus operandi.

The media also saw fit to consider Brian’s comment newsworthy. Silly children in a serious profession.

I would be remiss not to mention that I, too, found the images to be beautiful; but this is my opinion blog…not a newscast.


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