My previous post poked fun at MSNBC. In the interest of my own “fair and balanced” reporting, Fox news is in the crosshairs of this opinion.

Fox news channel’s founder, Roger Ailes, was forced to retire after allegations of sexual harassment came to light through complaints made by multiple women who worked for the company. The New York Times reports that Fox’s own investigation found merit in the allegations. Now, it’s Bill O’Reilly’s turn. If one is to believe the complaints, O’Reilly, too, is guilty of sexual harassment in the workplace. This appears to be an endemic issue at Fox News.

Megyn Kelly left. Gretchen Carlson sued. Many other behind the scene people complained. Greta Van Susteren left (different issue…$)

Fox News, in its “fair and balanced” reporting, blatantly favored Donald Trump during the presidential campaign. The same Donald Trump who was caught on tape claiming he could grab women by their pussies because he was famous. More politically conservative sexual shenanigans, (if only in attitude).

Rupert Murdoch would do well to hire someone to run Fox News who could keep male conservative’s sexual misbehavior out of the workplace. Maybe Bill Clinton would consider taking the job.

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