Ya gotta love the Huffington Post. They just ran a story about a ten year old Florida girl who was attacked by an 8’9″ alligator and saved herself by prying open the animal’s lower jaw. According to the article, Florida Fish and Game officials corroborated the story. Pretty cool!

I would like either those officials or the author of the article to hear my story of the day I donned my waders, grabbed my fly rod and caught my limit of ten rainbow trout in my toilet.

I don’t doubt the child was grabbed by a gator. Nor do I doubt it let her go. But to claim she had the strength to pry open the jaws of a gator intent on harming her, flies in the face of reality. Sure, an adrenaline pumped grandma might be able to lift a car enough to free a grandchild trapped beneath, but If an 8ft. gator wanted to take the girl, it would have done so and no unarmed person would have been able to stop it from rolling her to bits and pieces. Period. Case closed.



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