People are terrified by wild animals who might eat them. Makes sense.

Alligators, along with gavials, caimans and crocodiles are all critters known as crocodilians. All of them are carnivores and capable of eating humans (assuming the animal is large enough). Crocodiles are known to eat humans. Particularly salt water crocs, ( known as “salties”,  down under), and Nile crocodiles (known as Nile crocodiles everywhere). As a rule, alligators don’t like to eat people. We are not their natural prey.

I’m not saying that some errant gator, pledging for a fraternity or acting out in a rage over whether the Electoral College is fair or not, might have, at some time in history eaten a person or part thereof. What I’m saying is;  we don’t meet their culinary standards.

So, sure, it could happen, maybe in the same way that some Scandinavians eat lutefisk. Lutefisk, for the uninformed is cod fish which has been soaked in lye, (yes, lye), until it reaches the approximate flavor and consistency of ear wax. Why do these folks eat such a thing? You’ve got me! Perhaps they think it serves the purpose of inflicting enough suffering to allow them a seat in heaven after they pass on. Although I don’t know who in heaven would want to sit near someone who ate lutefisk.

Some native Alaskans eat seal flippers which have been buried in the ground until they rot. These folks have the highest incidence of botulism of any culture. Why do they eat that? I don’t know. I think they would be much better off eating alligators.

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