I guess I was right. Things sure did get interesting after the election.

The Democrats really, really wanted Hillary to win. Just like spoiled children, they simply can’t accept not getting their way. They blame Comey, Russia, the NRA, Fox News and their not-so-effective promotion of crap for Hillary’s loss. Examining the facts, they have become aware that they wasted an enormous amount of time, treasure and tantrums in a failed attempt to tell the public what it needed to think it wanted. Read this again: “needed to think it wanted”. Isn’t that politics?

Hillary was the one who claimed to know the will of the people (or what it should be) best of all. Trump was focused on who got the bigger audience and the better TV ratings; and stalling by repeating himself while searching for something substantive to say. He won and I think he’s found out that you should take care what you wish for. On a side note: Debbie Wasserman Shultz gives me gas. Too personal? Sorry.

You can’t say the Democrats aren’t persistent. And effective! The Trump administration is in the midst of numerous “scandals”. Did he and/or his campaign conspire with the Russians? Is he  a xenophobic, anti-Muslim, anti-Mexican, sexually harassing boob? Is he guilty of a prosecutable crime? I sure hope so, because if it turns out otherwise…oh, dear!

There is no question he is a thin skinned, egocentric, lousy communicator whose politically immature naivete’  is jaw dropping. These things are obviously true, but not criminal. Just unsightly,  like Michael Moore in a Victoria’s Secret thong.

I sure hope the Democrats are able to prove Trump guilty of something serious, because, if they don’t, the tables of potential prosecutions will likely turn and I don’t think children belong in prison.

I hold the Republicans responsible for most of this mess. While  they could have been/be advancing a responsible conservative agenda they remain unable to see things clearly. It’s tough trying to look out of your belly button. The echoes in there must be deafening.



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