The California Senate just passed a single-payer health care bill. It must now clear both the Senate and the Assembly by a two-thirds vote. If it does, private health insurance in California will become a thing of the past. This would seem strange in almost any other state.

Last November, Californians voted to make recreational marijuana legal. I don’t know how many people voted for this, but it was a majority. I’m not sure how many people were interested in the bill’s passage, but they got to vote on it. It was a choice offered in the general election because it impacted a minority of the population and other than bringing in a few more tax dollars to mismanage, it wouldn’t change anything. Health insurance impacts the vast majority of the population; therefore, the politicians know they must decide this on their own because they are aware Californians are too stupid to be trusted with such a monumental decision.

I agree.

After all, we are talking about the same Californians who elected these blithering idiots.

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