Subsequent to 66 year old Bellville, Illinois gunman, James T. Hodgkin’s attack against Republican Congressional lawmakers and their staffs at a baseball batting practice session in Virginia on Wednesday, June 14th around 7 a.m., MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell saw fit to laud officers of the Capitol police, who, along with Alexandria P.D. engaged the gunman at the scene. He was effusive in his praise of the officers (two of whom were injured in the melee) , who did their sworn duties, rather than choosing to hide or run away. It is unsurprising Lawrence would find this behavior remarkable. He and so many other like-minded, invertebrate Liberals are always in awe of  a human trait nonexistent  in the Progressive community, among whom the belief is held that protesting, bitching, conspiring and complaining are acceptable substitutes for the honorable and more conservative tenet of valor.

The “Left” appreciates bravery from afar. They see it as something to be applauded, but not embraced or promoted within their own ranks or constituencies, because it requires self-determination and, (to use a mainstream media favorite term), it’s “scary”.

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