Kim has launched a second ICBM. Scientists in North Korea as well as Japan, South Korea the U.S. and elsewhere agree it would have had the capability of reaching Los Angeles, Denver and Chicago.

It was believed North Korea was at least two years away from achieving such a thing. It is also something Donald Trump said he would not allow to occur. Scientists now say Kim won’t be able to mount a nuclear warhead on this vehicle until 2018. Really?

Our experts have consistently underestimated our foes’ abilities and determinations. This was true of our early assessments of Hitler, North Korea (we didn’t win that one), Viet Nam (we lost that one), ISIS. Now we find ourselves confronting North Korea again. But, this time is different. This time, North Korea is ruled by an infantile and delusional dictator whose only concern is impressing people. He is an immature alcoholic, who is also drunk with power and with his finger on “the button” of  thermonuclear devices, (not an optimal combination). And, like Hitler, he is unable to separate the concept of his personal survival with that of everyone else’s. In other words, he demands to take everyone to the grave with him.

The public has not been aware of us being this close to a nuclear attack against our own soil since the Cuban Missile Crisis in October of 1962.

It is too late for Trump to keep his word of not allowing Kim to have the capabilities he now seems to possess; so what will Trump do? Will the U.S. attack North Korea in a preemptive strike? Would it initially be nuclear in nature? Will Kim get a wild hair up his ass and pull the trigger? And what will be the response? Will China become involved? If so, against whom? How will Russia and Iran react? Will those who have been complaining about human overpopulation find good reason to shut up?

With all this is the wind, the top stories delivered by the mainstream media have been about who Trump fired recently. “Celebrity Apprentice” got good ratings.

The media avoids examining serious adult issues of existential importance in favor of those which are more palatable to infants and ignoramuses. It’s a matter of peer pressure.

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