Imagine a school bus driver (Mr. D) had been elected recently by the children. He wasn’t everyone’s first choice, but he got the job anyway.

Now imagine some of the children don’t like the different road Mr. D. is speeding along to drive the boys and girls home from school, so they climb over seats and rush down the aisle to try to yank him out of the driver’s seat. They want to drive the bus to their house first. They are diverting Mr. D.’s attention from keeping his eyes on the road as he pushes them away and yells at them. This is endangers everyone. They don’t understand that they will be late for dinner if their bodies end up in the morgue. Kids are stupid that way.

Today’s driver is different from the last one. That guy took the inner city route (never climbing out of first gear). He used to pick up lots of kids who weren’t enrolled at the school. The bus had forty seats, but sometimes there were sixty kids on-board (and an unknown number on the roof). The bus ended up tagged with graffiti (the driver considered it to be art), had three tires shot out and some of the regular kids were robbed of their lunch money and sneakers (the driver didn’t consider it robbery. He thought it was a leveling of the playing field through redistribution of wealth). This was the driver’s ideology, but if there was anyone who tried to yank him from his seat, that person was told to sit down and shut up. They did. As many expected, the bus ended up stuck in a ditch, facing the wrong way.

The above was and is the United States as it is pushed by the liberal media, liberal professors and Hollywood to believe cooperative consensus if peacefully combined with constructive criticism toward success,  is a bad or useless modus operandi, (and this relates well beyond any administration into many areas of socio-cultural interaction). They can’t envision the bus crashing due to their acting out. This is a bit short sighted. It is reactionary. Like the liberal firefighter playing his hose on the flame while the conservative firefighter plays his on what’s burning. And,\just like the deniers of “human caused” global warming on the right side of the aisle, what lies beyond the tips of their noses, they think does not exist. But, as to the current administration:

ANNOUNCEMENT! : WILL THOSE WHO VOTED FOR MS. H. AND MR. B., PLEASE RETURN TO YOUR SEATS. You will have the opportunity to vote for another driver next semester.

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