According to The Washington Post, University of Kansas professor Kevin Willmott recently wore a “bulletproof vest” into his classroom to protest a 2013 state law allowing concealed weapons permit holders to carry their weapons on college and university campuses.

He said there was an “audible hush” as he entered the room. “One of the things I told them was, ‘You try to ignore that I’m wearing a bulletproof vest, and I’ll try to ignore that you could be packing a .44 Magnum'”.

I wonder how long Kevin thinks the list of private citizens with concealed carry permits being convicted of gun violence actually is.

Willmott must believe that if the law in question did not exist, no students could carry on campus. He must think students intent upon doing harm simply could not break the law and carry their gun onto the campus anyway. Right? Well,  It seems kindly professor Willmott is an idiot.

Willmott is a professor of film and media studies (there’s a surprise) and I assume he has some type of degree indicating he is competent to teach these fantastical things. Logic, on the other hand, appears to be alien to his realm of expertise.

If, someday, a disgruntled, “non-permit carrying” student does the impossible and pulls a handgun out of his waistband in class, I wonder if  this arrogant and cowardly douche nozzle would wish there was a permit holding, armed student there to mitigate the threat.

Note to Professor Willmott: Trade your bulletproof vest for a pair of Depends.


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