It is sad congresswoman, Frederica Wilson, decided to politicize the death of a soldier by accusing Donald Trump of disrespecting his family. Sad, but not surprising.

Trump would have had no reason to do such a thing, but, considering  Trump’s tactless style, it is plausible his words were poorly chosen. If that was true, it’s sad he wasn’t given the opportunity to apologize for the miscommunication and make clear his meaning rather than Wilson grabbing the opportunity to publicly smear him to benefit her party’s agenda.

All the nastiness didn’t have to happen. I think Trump meant well, but probably stuck his foot in his mouth once more. Again, not surprising. On the other hand, I think Wilson had malice as her prompt. While saying there is too much hatred, she displays hate. What I find curious is why any of the adult public finds value in this issue. I don’t know why they listen to either of them. Children, yes. Adults, no.

I think Wilson’s demographic finds her dressing like “Woody” from the enjoyable, computer animated movie franchise, “Toy Story”, to be attractive and brave in its own make-believe way. Yee Haw! But adults? Very strange.

As for why some grown-up folks don’t dismiss Trump’s angry blather for what it is…you’ve got me.


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